Falling for Jack Avery ch.15

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I woke up and walked out of my room.

"Hello?" I yelled.

No one was home. I walked over to the fridge and there was a note.

"We tried waking you up. We went to go get pizza." I read out loud.

I went up to my room and grabbed my guitar. I sat outside in a chair on the deck. I started to sing "Say you won't let go".

I finished the song and heard clapping. My eyes opened wide and I was in shock. I didn't turn around for 5 seconds.

"I told you she amazing." Jack said.

I turned around and smiled.

"Im not that good." I said.

"You are amazing." Jonah said.

"Thank you." I thanked shyly.

"You know what we should all make a song together." Daniel suggested.

"You know I don't know if that's a good idea." I said shaking my head.

"Why not?" Zach asked.

"What if people find out Jack and I are dating and then hate gets thrown at me or even you guys." I explained.

"We understand." Corbyn nodded.

"Thank you guys." I said getting up.

I walked up stairs with my guitar to my room. I sat on just bed pull out my song book. My mom gave it to me before she passed away.

I wasn't sure if they were good, but whatever. It was Christmas time so I thought why not write a Christmas song.

"Think Gabby. Think." I thought out loud.

"Hot chocolate."




"People and love."

I quickly jot down those ideas. I wrote lyrics down. I finished the song and it turned out pretty good.

"Now for the title." I smiled out loud.

"You and me at Christmas." I wrote at the top of the page.

I put my song book away and walked downstairs.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hi." Everyone said back.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Working on a new song for Christmas." Corbyn said.

Maybe I should tell them I wrote a song about Christmas. Should I let them know I have a song book?

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

"Ok I kind of made a song." I said.

"Kind of or you did." Jonah laughed.

"Shut up." I smiled.

"I made a song for Christmas. Would you guys like to sing it?" I asked.

"Sure we'll try it out." Jack smiled giving me a hug.

They put out stools in the living room and sat down. I gave them music sheets.

"I know that it's a holiday, but I ain't the same with out you babe. It been a while since I saw your face and I've been missing you." Jonah sings.

Then Daniel sings. They all get a turn to sing. They finish singing. They look at me in shock.

"Was it ok?" I ask.

"That was so good." Daniel says.

"You are amazing." Jack smiles.

"Thank you so much guys." I smile.

"Where did you get the idea for the song?" Zach asked.

"Well I just thought about Christmas things." I explained.

"We really liked the song." They all said.

"You guys can use it." I offered.

"Really?" Jack asked.

"Yes definitely." I smiled.

"Wow thank you." Corbyn thanked.

"No problem anything for you guys." I said.

We all pulled each other into a group hug. They called their manager and were gonna go to the studio tomorrow.

"Bella." I called out.

I looked around for her.

"Where's Bella?" I asked panicked.

"I don't know." Jack said.

"Bella!" I yelled.

I started breathing heavily and put my hands on my head and paced around.

I couldn't find her. She was the one thing that was mine. I loved her a lot. I rescued her. I lost her.

Thank you for 5k reads!!! I love you all so much. Shout out to:



Don't got mad if I didn't pick you. You all had amazing ideas :)
But Bella??? Where did she go...will they find her?

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