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{Tyler's Pov}

Josh fell asleep watching the movie we are watching and I wrapped the blanket around him. My phone buzzed. It's a message from Jenna.

"Today was fun! We should hang out again another time babe!"

"Yeah we should, goodnight hun" I replied and locked my phone.

I took a good look at Josh sleeping and I smiled. I'm sad to be leaving him soon maybe he'll find a nice girl of his own and get married with her and he won't be so lonely. I yawned and drifted to sleep I didn't even bother turning off the tv.

I heard someone's phone ringing that woke me up, I checked my phone. Yup it's mine, jesus it's 6 in the morning what could my mom possibly want at this time. "Mom, do you see what time it is?" I whispered so I won't wake Josh up. "Sorry Ty, I was just reminding you that today Jenna's family including you and her obviously will be joining us at our place for the party" I rolled my eyes. "How could I forget a party that has to do with me and Jenna" I told my mom. "I was just reminding you honey, by the way how's Josh?" Mom asked. "He's fine, you'll see him later" I said. "Okay well get ready the party starts at 12:00 PM" mom said. "Yes mom, I know bye now" I hung up. I sighed, why does a party have to be so early. I shook Josh to wake him up. "Josh get up" I continued moving him. "Whyy" Josh whined. "Remember we have a party to attend" I said. "Oh. Right." Josh sat up and rubbed his eyes.

It's 10:00 AM, Josh and I should be heading out by now to my parents house. I called Jenna and she's on her way to my parents house also. Josh is wearing what it looks like all black, black button up, black suspenders, black skinny jeans, black vans, black bow tie...yeah that's my dude. I'm wearing a white button up, a gray jacket, black skinny jeans, and black vans.

Josh greeted my mom once he entered my house and I greeted my dad. My mom mentioned that Jenna is out in the backyard with her family so I headed out there, Josh stayed talking with my mom inside.

{Josh's Pov}

Tyler's mom and dad know about my feelings towards their son, I'm glad they kept their promise to me about never telling him. Tyler's parents are parents to me because they cared for me more than what my family did so I talked to them about anything. "I still think you should've came out to Tyler before he proposed to Jenna" Tyler's dad said. I sighed. "It's no point in telling him now, plus he's not gay" Tyler's mom placed her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe there's a nice guy out in the world for you" I faced down. "The problem is, I will always love Tyler" I honestly felt like crying but I can't I don't want to ruin the party that will be going on anytime now. "We're sorry Josh" Tyler's dad shook his head. We heard the back door open so we stopped talking. Tyler walked in with Jenna. I looked down at their hands and stared at Tyler's ring and I don't know what happened but it just broke me. "I'm sorry, I have to go outside for some fresh air" I walked out to the front of the house. "Why do I have to be so in love with you Tyler" I whispered to myself.

Josh Dun's Secret (JOSHLER) twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now