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{Tyler's Pov}

I've called Josh's number so many times but he doesn't pick up, I've been driving for so long looking for him but I can't find him. Not only that but it's dark and pouring rain, I need to find Josh fast so he could be in the car where it's nice and warm. I called one more time and he answered finally. "Josh! Where are you! I need to know you're safe!" I yelled. "I don't know where I'm at, I just ran and ran" Josh said. "Don't move and tell me the name of the street and I'll go pick you up" He gave me the name of the street and I drove.

I found Josh and he was shivering and soaked up. I got out of the car and took my jacket off and put it around him. "Get in the car quickly" I opened the door for him and closed it. I got back in the car. "Don't scare me like that again Josh" I turned on the heater and drove. Josh stayed quiet only sound coming out of him is of him freezing.

He got in the shower as soon as we walked into our house. I stayed in his room until he got out of the shower. I scooted over to the other side of his bed so he could lay down. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded yes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Josh" I apologized. "You don't have to apologize but I do want to tell you what I've been hiding from you" Josh said. I nodded. He looked through his bookshelf and pulled out what looked like a notebook and he skimmed through it to find a page. He took a deep breath, sat on his bed next to me with his legs crossed and gave me his notebook and read:

there's this boy,
the way he laughs that makes me smile,
the way he talks that makes me feel warm & cosy inside,
the way everything about him makes me the happiest,
that's when i knew that i liked boys, ***boy.
it hurts to say that he likes girls.
he is my best friend,
Tyler Robert Joseph.

Josh Dun's Secret (JOSHLER) twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now