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{Josh's Pov}

Jenna wants me and Tyler to meet up with her at her house. I'm honestly really nervous.
We showed up at her house. Me and Tyler are in the car staring at her house. "You ready?" Tyler asked. I nodded. I took a deep breath, Tyler touched my hand. "It's going to be okay." I nodded again. We got out of the car, Tyler rang the doorbell. It took a few seconds for Jenna to open the door. When she did, she half smiled. Maybe that's partially a good thing? "Come in." She opened the door enough for me and Tyler to walk in.
We took a seat on the couch, me and Tyler next to each other, Jenna in front of us. I'm still really nervous, I want to hold Tyler's hand but I can't do that in front of Jenna. Tyler cleared his throat. "So um...what do you have to talk to us about?" Tyler cleared his throat again. "Okay, I did a lot of thinking. I'm not sure how I feel about you two being...together, considering I loved you Tyler. I want to know how this happened, how did you guys fall in love?" I feel like she's trying to avoid eye contact with me. "It was the day of the party for our engagement. Everyone left, I went to talk to Josh because I noticed Josh was a little off, I tried talking to him about what was bothering him but we ended up arguing and Josh ran off. It was pouring rain and I couldn't find Josh anywhere but he called me. I picked him up, we got to our apartment...and Josh told me what was bothering him. He's been in love with me ever since me and him met, then I didn't have words and Josh thought I wanted him out of the apartment so he left, I couldn't say anything, I tried telling myself that I'm in love with the girl I'm marrying but there was this voice in my head that was telling me, no you're in love with Josh. Afterwards I called Josh to come home, when he got home I couldn't help myself I had to know if what the voice in my head was telling the truth...I-I had to kiss him and that's when I knew I did have feelings and those feelings are real, I'm sorry but what I feel with Josh it's different than what I felt when I was with you. I mean you've taught me a lot of things, I'm grateful for you. I still love you, just I'm hoping I'm allowed to love you as my friend." My heart was racing, I can't imagine how Tyler and Jenna are feeling right now. "I'd like to apologize for letting my feelings out to Tyler before your wedding, I never meant to hurt anyone. I just- I felt like the longer I was hiding my feelings the pain and hurt I was feeling I thought it would get so much worse. It's my fault any of this is happening and I truly am sorry for ruining your wedding day." I can't tell if Jenna wants to kill me or feel sorry for me. "If i'm honest with you, it's almost adorable how you two fell in love...I know I've lost Tyler as my fiancée and moving on will be the hardest thing to do but, I'm willing to support your relationship. And Josh, falling in love is not your fault so I still respect you. I feel like there were times where I saw the love you have for Tyler but I just always thought it was just a way of how you treat your friends." I was in shock, I looked at Tyler, his mouth was also wide open like mine. "Y-You forgive us?" Tyler stuttered. Jenna smiled. "Yes. Yes, I do."
Oh my god. I've always been jealous of Jenna for dating Tyler but damn. She's the nicest girl I've ever met.

Josh Dun's Secret (JOSHLER) twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now