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"Tomorrow? Jenna the wedding's not till another few weeks" I took a sip of my soda. "Yeah but I just can't wait any longer, I thought you'd be happy." What do I do? Josh tapped on my shoulder, I looked at him. He wants me to tell Jenna about us. But I can't. Not now. "Whatever you want, wifey." She threw herself in my arms and gave me a big kiss. "I'll let everyone know that there's been a change of plans!" She kissed me one more time and walked out the door. I faced Josh. "I am so sorry Josh, I can't tell her now. I just can't." Josh shook his head. "What are you going to do? Tell her in front of her whole family and yours, then what?" He asked. "I don't know what to do, no matter what I do it will end up looking like I'm the bad guy." I sat down on the couch. Josh sat down, he put his arm around me. "Maybe me and you aren't a good idea" I turned to him. "No. We are. I told you I want to be with you Josh, I've already fallen for you. I didn't fall for you for nothing I will do anything for us to be together." I put my hand on his cheek. "I feel like this is my fault." Josh looked down at his hands. I grabbed his cheeks for him to look me in the eyes. "This is not your fault. I'm happy that you told me about your feelings or this wouldn't be happening right now." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I promise you and me will be together after all this is over with." I said. He smiled. He scooted over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and we cuddled.

"Tyler, I'm kinda afraid of Jenna's reaction when you tell her. What if she kills me." I chuckled. "She will not kill you, though I am nervous to tell her." We laid on the couch together. Josh looked at me. "Look at the bright side, once it's over with, it will be something from the past and things from the past stay in the past." He kissed my cheek. "I guess you're right." I kissed his lips. I love kissing him, his lips are so soft. "I can't wait for you to officially be my boyfriend." He smiled with the tip of his tongue sticking out, that smile is the cutest, his eyes when he smiles he just looks adorable.
My phone started ringing. It's my dad. "Hey dad." I greeted him. "Jenna just told us you guys have moved the wedding for tomorrow, are you happy about it?" I sighed. "Dad. I need to tell you something." I glanced at Josh. "What's wrong?" dad asked. "I found someone else...he's been there the whole time and I didn't realize it till last night." I said. "He?? It's Josh isn't it." I was in confusion. "How did you-you knew this whole time that Josh's in love with me?" He chuckled. "Of course I did. He told me and your mother to keep it from you, he didn't have anyone else to talk to about his feelings." Josh mouthed 'sorry'. "At least you're supportive." I laughed. "Well Ty, what are you going to do tomorrow?" I rolled my eyes. "I still need to figure it out, I'll let you know if I need help coming up with something." We said bye and hung up. This is the most stressful I've ever been.

Josh Dun's Secret (JOSHLER) twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now