The Escape to Toronto with Shawn

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(Shawn's POV)

We got on the plane and Karalyne drifted off to sleep so I just held her the whole time. She's so cute when she sleeps, I can't believe anyone would hurt her she is so precious to me it's like she is my own when no one is around except me and her. It's perfect to me and I love that. She was still asleep when the plane boarded so I just carried her around it was so cute. I treated her like a princess I thought which made me smile to myself. When she woke up she was confused which made me laugh.  "Where are we?" she asked confused. "We are here in Toronto," I tell her and she looks amazed which makes us both laugh. "Um, Shawn I think my dad is kinda calling ya." I said to him. "Oh shoot, well um just go watch tv for a few minutes and I will talk to your dad okay?" "Okay" she was just the perfect little girl to me.

(s-Shawn c-Cameron)

s-Hey what's up


s-cool it, jeez she is with me don't worry about it she is perfectly fine okay?

c- no Shawn it's not cool you didn't tell me that you and my daughter are going somewhere. I was worried sick about her

Unknown Voice-Omg Cam just forget about her she is just in your way anyways

s-what did you say about Karalyne

c-she's right she does get in my way a lot, I don't know Shawn I might take her back she has been exhausting lately so I think I might take her back after you guys come back from where ever you guys are

s- um NO cam if you are not taking her then I am adopting her because she has been through so much and you are just dropping her off so, NO I am not allowing it!

Shawn hangs up

She doesn't deserve to go back and she won't go back never ever will I let my princess go.

(Karalyne's POV)

I heard the whole conversation about my dad taking me back. I started crying until Shawn came in and sat by me. "It's okay, I'm not letting my princess go okay?" said Shawn and I just smiled and cuddled up to him and he let me cuddle up with him and we took a nap together it felt perfect, I actually felt happy for once without thinking about what happened in the past. After our nap, me and Shawn went to go eat and we got to a small little dinner place and ate there. Shawn told me that we are getting new phones so Cameron would stop texting and calling me. We arrived at the Apple Store and I got the new iPhone 5s in rose gold with a phone case with me and all the guys on it. Then me and Shawn had fun for the rest of day doing vines and other fun stuff and getting kicked out of stores. 

(1 week later)

Me and Shawn have to go back to California today because of my dad. He only wants me home so he can take me back. "Shawn, are you going to let him take me back?" "Of course not, I would never let him take you back remember your my princess no matter what." Shawn said to me being really serious about it. We landed in California and I was honestly scared and Shawn could tell he just held my hand and told me everything's going to be alright. He told the guys what Cameron told him and they all agreed that we all live in a different house together. 

(Cameron's POV)

Today I'm taking Karalyne back to the orphanage because she has been getting in the way a lot. I just don't have time for her, I mean I had to make time for work then, I had to come home to my girlfriend Maria. I loved her so much but, Karalyne is just getting in the way so that's why I am taking her back. I heard a car pull up and I knew that it is the guys and Karalyne. I just sighed and saw everyone look at me. I didn't care at the moment at all. "Karalyne I need to talk to you and just you okay." "Okay" she said under her breath and she turned around to Shawn and just gave each other looks and she turned back around and walked with me to her room. "So Karalyne I am taking you back to the orphanage so I need you to pack all of your stuff so hurry up!" I yelled at her sternly and she started to cry after I left I didn't feel bad at all it is what she deserves but, then I turned around and slapped her and told her to stop crying, she just cried harder so I did it again and it made a huge mark on her face. Shawn and all of the boys ran to her room to find her crying.  

(Matt's POV)

I heard crying upstairs. "Guys we need to check on them." We all agreed and then we heard someone hit the floor then, we all stopped. We looked at each other and knew what was happening to her. Shawn ran up all of the stairs before we could and Cameron walked out and Shawn just ignored him and ran into her room. We all got to her room and saw her and Shawn on the floor she was crying her eyes out while Shawn let a few tears fall but, silently. "What happened princess?" I asked her and her bright blue gorgeous eyes are slowly turning gray."He h-h-h-hit me and slapped me twice and told me to pack my stuff and he is taking me back. Shawn handed me to Matt and I knew what was about to happen. 

(Shawn's POV)

When Karalyne told me that I knew what I had to do. I grabbed Taylor and Nash. Hayes stayed in the room with Matt and Karalyne. "Cameron F****** Dallas where the f are you we need to talk!" I said as loud as I could. He ran up to me and didn't seem that he didn't do anything. "What do you want?" he asked me. "Why did you hit her?" I asked him in an angry tone. "Oh poor Shawnie thinks he can protect the little fag up there." he said and then my fist was in his face and one punch and he was one the floor. "Go get Karalyne hurry!" I yelled at Nash and Taylor and went to get her. Cameron got up holding his nose. "You are not gonna get away with this Shawn Mendes, she is my daughter." Cameron told me getting up.

(Karalyne's POV)

I sat there crying on Matt's shoulder and then I heard Shawn yell at Taylor and Nash to get me. They came running in my room and everything felt like it was in slow motion. I couldn't move or anything I was just stuck. Matt ran down the stairs with me still in his arms but, I only wanted Shawn right now. "SHAWN!" I cried out. He came running taking me from Matt and we kept on running. Everything was a blur until me and Cameron had eye contact everything was a blur except him. I saw him running towards me and he got me from Shawn. Shawn turned around and saw what just happened he came running towards Cameron but, he wasn't fast enough. Cameron put me in his car and he drove off away from the house. I couldn't stop crying until I couldn't cry anymore because there were no more tears left in my eyes. "Why?" I asked Cameron. "Karalyne I just don't want you to leave me, you make me so happy and when you were in that hospital bed with your lifeless body there, I felt like everything just came crashing down and I couldn't lose you, I just love you so much." he said starting to cry. "Well, then why did you hit me why did you break your promises, why did you choose me!" I yelled at him. "I shouldn't have wakened up I should have just sat there in heaven until they pulled the plug and I would be forever and then everyone would be happier without me in the way because that is what you said to Shawn remember?" I yelled at him and I started to cry again. He just stopped the car at the spot where I tried to commit suicide. "Why are we here?" I asked him in a rude tone. "We are here so you can remember what happened to you." he told me. I just stood there speechless not knowing what to do. Soon enough I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hugging me. "It's okay I'm here for you and I know I have been being a douche for the past weeks but, when we were in the hospital I talked to you and told you that I promised that I will always be here for you and I will do anything to make you happy and I will not break that promise ever." he said to me with tears in his eyes. "And I can't bare myself that you said that you would rather be dead, it kills me that my princess would ever say that." he said crying with me in his arms. We just stood there for about 20 minutes just talking. Then we went back to the house and everyone was crying on the couch. Shawn was sitting there with a sad and mad expression on his face. I went to him and jumped on him and hugged him as tight as I can. Everyone saw me and jumped up and hugged me. After that we just relaxed on the couch until someone walked in...

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