Abigail(Josh Balz)

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I've never been like the other girls, you know. I've always been the outcast, the misfit. I wasn't aloud hair dying till I was 16 and body mods till I was 18 so that really shows you how interesting I was, I guess. I mean, once I turned 18 it was tattoos and piercings galore. Considering I'm 22 now I obviously have a lot. Neck, chest, sleeve, and a few here and there. Septum, inverse vertical labret, nose studs, streched ears, and a few more ear piercings.

You could say I went hardcore into body mods because hell, body mods fucking show how I want see myself. They made me who I am.

Makeup is also another thing that happens to seperate me from everyone else. I started doing makeup when I was 11. It was your everyday normal shit like mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and maybe some lipstick. Of course when you're eleven and you're wearing makeup you're already either the hot girl or the weird girl. I ended up being the hot girl that the guys gawked over which was actually quite annoying.

It took me three years to find out what makeup brushes where and how to properly use them, along with foundation. By this time I was at that "I don't want to get judged so I will keep to myself" stage. I didn't wear any of the makeup I did at home in public. I saved the good stuff for home.

Another two years passed by and I made some extremely great friends that where like me. We where the "goth" kids. It's funny, my school put labels but rarely did anybody bully each other. I was lucky to be at a school like mine. Old schools make it easier to be nice, maybe? Well anyways. For my sixteenth birthday my father got me a giant makeup kit with expensive brushes, a lit mirror, and galore eyeshadow. It probably had any color you could think of. I put the pallate to good use. I used the entire pallate up within two years.

The reason my dad had gotten me that is because well one I asked for it, and two is because he wanted me to express myself. He didn't want me doing body mods at the time because he wanted my "beautiful skin to stay perfect". Okay fun fact about my dad. I have two dads, meaning that my dad's are gay. I was adopted into their family when is the age of three. So, my dad knew that it was hard to express myself because of them being the way they are, so that's why he did it. He knew I'd found what I wanted to do in life and he wanted to help make it happen.

My dad's where definitely the best parents you could ask for, besides the no body mod thing. Loving and caring, just like any parent should be. Aaron and Alan are their names. Aaron was your typical dad, into boy things while Alan was the one that bought me my first makeup kit and also the sixteenth birthday galore baby. They where I guess you could say rich. We had a double story house along with a pool in the back. It was nice growing up the way I did, I mean, who wouldn't think it was nice? My dad's weren't the people to be greedy through. Which is probably why they did so much for my friends. I swear somtiems what happened at that house was very very unnatural. But I wasn't living a "normal" life in the first place. I love my daddies to death, without them I wouldn't be where I am now.

I guess that's eneough about the past, how about the present?

Well, I still live in Arizona. However not the city I grew up in. I grew up in Laughlin and now live in Phoenix. I am a cosmetologist, licensed and everything. I obviously specify in makeup. I am a makeup artist, live and breathe pigment. Just kidding, but it's my passion. I do a lot of makeup for photo shoots along with music videos and have a part time job at a tattoo shop. I know makeup at a tattoo parlor? What? When prom time or homecoming comes around you get a shit ton of girls looking for their makeup to be done. I do a lot of makeup around those times for girls.

I'm also fanatic over music. I live music almost as much as I live for makeup. Music keeps me going all day. Keeps me awake but can make me pass out. All depends in the genre. I love music from Never Shout Never to Whitechapel. Soft to heavy. 1970's to 2000's.

Life is a crazy thing. I take it a day at a time because you rarley ever know where life can take you. I never knew that my life at the age of 10 would be the way it currently is.


First ACTUAL chapter will be up in a few! This just was a breif introduction to Abigails life(:

What Abigail looks like on the side!


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