+4 ― Thug Like Me

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"You don't need to go through the trouble Joon Hyeong" I trailed off effortlessly for the fifth time while we walked towards the car park after our lecture finally ended.

"Stop talking so much! Geez, I can't help but wonder who these neighbours of yours are. Especially after they found the guts to mess with a thug like you" He cracked a chuckle as I frowned at him, giving his arm a strong push.

"Rude. Yah, don't mention those pests to me please, I can't help but think of what more trouble they'll cause next" I waved it off, while shooing Joon Hyeong away for myself to breathe as soon as he opened the car's door for me. 

"Get in you lazy ass, I've got assignments that I need to work on" He nudged me with a strong push onto the passenger seat as I sighed, making myself comfortable while he closed the door.

I traced my finger along the seat's cover stitches as Joon Hyeong placed his bags and books at the back before moving to the driver's seat, turning on the engine.

"So near the mall, right?" Joon Hyeong asked my location of departure as I nodded, before attacking his radio.

"You're getting your car repaired tomorrow, right?" He asked as I hummed back a yes, tuning the radio to a familiar station.

"The scratch was so deep I didn't even know how it possibly got damaged, or in others what they damaged it with" I reinforced my words with annoyance as he clicked his tongue while staring at the road.

"How's your brother doing?" I looked at my hands as he gave a tired sigh, while changing his lane.

"Apparently he's causing problems with his neighbours. I got Won Ho to check it out when they held their party as usual" He mumbled as I wrinkled my face.

"Yah don't you talk to him though? Why get someone to check him out for you?" 

There was a moment of silence before we reached the red traffic light where Joon Hyeong rubbed his forehead.

"I don't talk to him. Neither do my parents after he said that he wouldn't continue university after graduating from high school" He sternly replied as my mouth parted open while seeing his eyes filled with hatred. 

"It must have been hard for you 3, ay?" I cooed, thinking of the way his parents might have coped.

"Don't worry about it too much. Besides, he wanted it this way" He made a sharp stop at the mall's entrance as I smiled.

"Thanks for the ride loser" I closed the door after me as he chuckled, lowering the door's window.

"No problem. See ya later thug" He saluted before taking off in thin air as I headed towards the mall.

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