+6 ― I'll Get You Back

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"Joon Hyeong it looks good as new!" I exclaimed to him on the phone line while kicking my legs out of happiness as I heard him chuckle. At least this was great news other than yesterday's incident that repeated almost ten times before I finally fell asleep. 

"Good for you. Ay, make sure to park it into your garage unless you want another scratch on it" He reminded me as I jolted off my couch.

"True. Hey I'll talk to you soon then-" I tried to say my goodbyes before he cut the phone. I sighed, hearing my phone vibrate only to find him leaving me a message.

See ya

        - Loser

"What a jerk..." I muttered sadly before walking towards the front door in my home slippers with my car keys dangling off my fingers.

Pulling the door back with my might, I found a small glass milk bottle full of pink milk and a yellow sticky note stuck onto it.

I eagerly picked the bottle up, reading the note that was stuck to it. They definitely knew how to booby trap someone they despised which I found was sly of them as I took a glance at my next door neighbours house.

Hey we're sorry about the incidents that have occurred ever since we've moved in. Btw I didn't see what cup size you were even though I had my chances yesterday :D

P.S Jin choose the flavour of the milk if you like strawberry, Hoseok choose the colour of the sticky note and I well made the idea :)


Without any mercy I grabbed the milk bottle and rushed towards their front door, placing the milk bottle steadily on stand but ripping the sticky note off.

"Kookie, what a cringy name for a thug living next door" I tensely insulted, while wiping my hands on my sweat pants.

"Yah that's mean" I heard a voice call as I turned, only to find that thug behind the security door of his house.

"I tried to be cute for once" He whined, opening the door and picking up the milk bottle.

"Jin Hyung! Hoseok Hyung! Sexy Le- I mean the girl next door returned the bottle of milk back to us, full!" He yelled as I sighed, having no time to hear his whining.

"Really?" Two heads popped out, as I waved them off, not bothered to have a conversation with them.

"Who knows how you sabotaged it! Trust is something hard for me to develop" I stated as I saw Jeongguk's grip on the milk bottle go tighter.

"You're a cup A, right?" He smirked while leaning against the brick wall, my mouth widening at his sudden confidence after being so timid all this time.

"You pervert! I knew you would take the chance!" I yelled, covering my chest with my folded arms.

"Jeongguk!" Hoseok and Jin shouted in unison as Jeongguk winked at me, before walking back into the war zone.

"I'll get you back, you watch" I muttered before leaving, not forgetting a glare at the other two fools who ran after him, before Jin mouthed a apology. 

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