Chapter 4

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The end of summer break was approaching quickly, and I really wasn't excited about it. Ali had messaged me last night about 'back to school' shopping, so today, that's what we're doing.

Currently, I sat in front of my mirror brushing out the ends of my hair waiting for Ali to get here. I hear my phone buzz from beside me, so place down my hairbrush, I pick it it up.

ALI: Outside :)

ME: Okay, coming down ;)

I jump up from my seat and grab my bag; slinging it over my shoulder, and I head down stairs.

"Mom?" I yell, as I slid into my trainers.


"Ali's here, I'll see you later."

"Okay sweetie, have fun, and be careful!" My mom replied as I opened the door,

"Will do, bye!" I yelled once more, stepping outside and shutting the door behind me.

As I began walking down my driveway and away from my house, I could see Ali waving at me from the passenger seat of Shawn's Jeep, and I offered her one back.

Yes, Shawn is driving us both to the mall. And yes, my stomach is doing somersaults as I open the car door, and slide into the backseat.

"Hey guys." I smiled brightly as I fastened up my seat belt. 

"Hey Becky!" Ali yelled, and I laughed back at her enthusiasm.

"Hey Becky." Shawn said, smiling at me through the rear-view mirror. "Hey Shawn." I said, smiling back at him.

Ugh why is he so nice?

We drove in a sort of comfortable silence as we headed to the mall.

"Do you guys want me to pick you up?" Shawn asked, as he pulled into the parking lot. 

"Yes please, 4 okay?" Ali asked, picking up her shoulder bag. 

Shawn nodded as a response to her, and we both got out the car. 

"Bye Alaylay, bye Becky." He said, before driving off. 

Why do I have love the way he says my name...

"Becky?" My head snapped to the direction of where Ali was stood, "Are you coming?" 

"Oh... Yes." I said, jogging up to her.


"So, what do you think you're looking for?" Aaliyah asked, as we walked around the first floor, and I shrugged.

"I don't really know, I need some new school supplies I guess... Maybe a new school bag? I'm not too sure." I confessed, 

"I get what you mean." Ali agreed, "What an about a 'back to school' outfit?" She said excitedly.


"Okay good, let's go!" Ali said, before pulling me into the nearest store. 

"Right, so you're going to need new shoes, jeans a top and a coat. Maybe a hoodie? But you still need to look classy... Maybe just a long sleeved top you know? OOO this is cute. You should try it on, oh and-"

"Aaliyah!"I laughed, cutting off her mini tangent.

"What?" She asked innocently, which only made me laugh more.

"Well firstly, I don't need all of that. And secondly, even if I did I couldn't afford it so lets... dial back a bit, okay?" I proposed.

"Fine." She complied, "What do you need then?"

"How about we start off small? I don't need jeans, and I definitely don't need shoes. So how about a top?"

"I can work with that... Oh! This one!" She said, thrusting the long sleeved white top she was holding, dangling from a hanger. "Go try it on."

"What, now?"

"Yes now!" She yelled, shoving me in the direction of the  changing rooms. 

Once I was inside a cubical, I placed my bag on the floor, and began pulling the top I was currently wearing off of myself, and pulling on the new one,

I have to hand it to Aaliyah, this top was nice. It was a plain white, long sleeved, tight fitting tee-shirt. 

Is it meant to be this easy to find clothes? I thought as I began to change into my original clothing, Or am I just lucky?... Yeah no.

I exited the cubical to find an excited Aaliyah waiting outside.

"Sooo." She edged, "Is it good?"

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'. "I'm surprised you managed to fine one so quickly." I commented as we walked towards the cashier. 

"Well, I'm offended you doubted my skills Rebecca Parks." Ali said, holding her hand to her chest.

"I'm so sorry I offended you Aaliyah Mendes, it will never happen again!"

"Oh I forgot to ask you!" Ali said suddenly, and I froze. 

Please don't be what I think it is...

"We're having a BBQ in a few days, and I wanted to ask if you want to come?" I felt myself let out a breath of relief at her words, and I nodded.

"Sure, just tell me when you know the date and time."


 "You make me dance, bring me up, bring me down, play it sweet. Make me move like a freak, Mr. Saxobeat!"

Aaliyah and I sang loudly in the back of Shawn's Jeep as we drove to my house. We had had a full day at the mall, and bought everything we needed for back to school in a few weeks.

"OMG!" Ali said, grabbing my arm. "What..." I asked, turning my head to look at her.

"You never told me who you liked..." She whispered, so Shawn couldn't hear and I froze.


"We're here!" Shawn said, pulling up to my house.

"Gotta go!" I finished, jumping out the Jeep and grabbing my bags. 

"You can't keep avoiding it Becky!" Ali yelled out the window, as I ran up my driveway.

Yeah, but I can sure as hell try.

My Best Friends Brother  ~SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now