Chapter 16

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I smiled down at my phone, after I sent the last message. 

"Who's got you smiling like that?" A voice questioned, startling me and my head whipped round to see Becky looking at me with a quirked eyebrow and a sly smile.

"Nothing, it's no one." I snapped and Becky raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay, it's no one, got it." She muttered, before pulling back her usually bubbly and innocent self, "So, what we doing today?" She asked and I shrugged, getting up off of my bed.

"No idea what you're doing, I'm going out." I say whilst grabbing clothes out of my closet.

"What? Where are you going?" Becky almost shrieked at me, still managing to sound hurt.

"No where of your concern." I snapped once more before stomping off to my bathroom to change. 

Chapter 16

Becky's POV:


I continued to stare at the spot on the wall that I'd been looking at for the past few minuets.

"No where of your concern." Her voice had sounded so cold, yet old-ly hurt at the same time. 

What did I do to her? I had literally just woken up and saw her on her phone, then when I asked her who it was... she snapped? I don't understand why, or what I've done? 

Maybe it was just someone she didn't want me to know she was talking to? Maybe it was that Ryan person Shawn was talking about...

"Ali?!" I heard Shawn yell from down the hallway, followed by his footsteps. "Has Becky just lef" Ali's bedroom door swung open and Shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "-T... Where's Ali?" Shawn asked, still stood in the doorway. I shrugged my shoulders, and looked down at my hands- still feeling down about the whole situation. 

"I don't know, she just... left." 

"What do you mean 'she just left'?" Shawn asked, coming over to sit down on her bed.

"I mean exactly that, I woke up and she was on her phone texting someone, I asked her who it was and she just snapped... Then left." I explained to a still confused looking Shawn.

"Well that's not like her." He mutter, and I nodded.

"I know." I said, taking his hand in my own and playing with his fingers "She sounded so angry, but kind of hurt at the same time... I don't really know what to think of, it's just so unlike her."

"Hmm." Shawn mused over the whole situation. A moment of silence passed us as we sat there, me still playing with his hand.

I felt Shawn's free hand stroke my hair, and I looked up at him, giving him a smile.

"Do you want to come down stairs and get something to eat, and we can wait for her to come back?" I nodded my head, and we got up off the bed and headed towards the stairs.

Once we had gotten into the kitchen, I saw Karen sitting at the table with a mug in her hand. She looked up when she saw us come though the door and smiled, but it dropped when she couldn't see Ali.

"Where's Aaliyah?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink. I opened my mouth to answer, but Shawn beat me to it.

"She went out." He answered, "We're just getting something to eat whilst we wait for her to come back." I nodded at his statement, and Karen got up from her chair.

"Okay then kids, I'm going upstairs, see you later."

"Bye." Shawn and I say simultaneously before giggling at each other, and sitting down at the table with a box of cereal between us.

We eat our cereal in silence for a while until Shawn finished and puts his bowl in the sink.

"So, what do you wanna do whilst he wait for Ali to get back?" Shawn asks, and I shrug, eating my last spoonful of cereal before walking over to the sink too.

"We could just watch some movies?" I suggest and he nods, 

"Sure, we can do that. We can have a lazy day!" He agrees excitedly, and we head into the living room to start watching movies.


Shawn and I watch movies all day. In total, I think it was about 5 -I know, we're lazy. Becky still hadn't come home by the time we finished the last movie, and I was starting to get worried.

"Where do you think she is?" I asked Shawn, anxiously playing with the hem of my shirt.

"I don't know." He replied, "I really thought she'd be home by now."

"I know, I honestly don't kn-" I was cut off, when I head the front door open. Shawn and I instantly sprung off the couch, and went to go see if it was Ali.

Thankfully, Ali walking through the door, slamming it behind her before turning to glare at us both.

"Where have you been?!" Shawn yells, but the worry is still clear in his voice, and Ali rolls her eyes. 

"What's wrong with you Ali? Where have you been all day, we've been worried." I say, taking a step closer to her, but I stop when she scoffs.

"What's wrong with me?" She questions, her voice rising. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

"What do you mean?" I ask defensively, taking a step back towards Shawn. Ali clocks the movement and frowns slightly, before masking her face once more.

"I know, about the two of you." Shit.  I feel Shawn freeze next to me, and I feel lost for words. "so you both better start explaining... and make it fucking good."


Aliiiii. What you doing!! Don't be so mean :,(((.

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