Chapter 18

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(chapter 16) Thankfully, Ali walking through the door, slamming it behind her before turning to glare at us both.

"Where have you been?!" Shawn yells, but the worry is still clear in his voice, and Ali rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with you Ali? Where have you been all day, we've been worried." I say, taking a step closer to her, but I stop when she scoffs.

"What's wrong with me?" She questions, her voice rising. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

"What do you mean?" I ask defensively, taking a step back towards Shawn. Ali clocks the movement and frowns slightly, before masking her face once more.

"I know, about the two of you." Shit. I feel Shawn freeze next to me, and I feel lost for words. "so you both better start explaining... and make it fucking good." 

Chapter 18

My mouth felt dry, as thousands of words race around my head. None of them however, feeling like the best way to explain the situation.

I felt as if I could throw up; the whole situation felt disgusting, I felt disgusting

"Well?" Aaliyah raised one of her slick eyebrows, prompting one of us to speak... but I couldn't, and I knew Shawn could sense that as I felt his warm, comforting hand brush my own. 

"Aaliyah." Shawn mumbled, taking a small, barely noticeable step forwards. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, worried that if I spoke any louder my voice would crack. "I-I just..."

"I just what Becky?" Ali demanded, though despite the harsh tone she used, her face showed sorrow and hurt, caused by me, her best friend.

"I'm just sorry. I knew this, us" I said, gesturing to Shawn and I "was wrong, but it was hard. It was so hard o see him almost every day and not tell him how I felt. I was always worried, because I never knew if he felt the same, but also because I didn't want to hurt you." 

I felt the barrier crack, and the first hot tear trail down my cheek, but I didn't move. I didn't wipe it away, or even try to stop any more tears falling. 

Ali frowned, her mouth curving downwards, and the crease in her brow deepening. 

"I'm sorry too Aaliyah." Shawn said, but his voice was strong, unlike my own. "I'm sorry I- we didn't tell you about us, and I'm sorry that we went about it all behind your back... But I'm not sorry about us."

My head snapped to the side to see Shawn's face already in my direction. I glared at him, because let's be honest, saying you're not sorry is not how you apologise, but he only smiled back in return. 

"I'm not sorry, because this amazing and beautiful girl, and I love her. I've loved her for so long and not even realised, but now that I have, I don't ever want to let her go." He gave me one last smile, and grabbed my hand before turning his head back in the direction of his sister. "So if loving her is wrong, then I'm not sorry, because no matter how  wrong it may be, will never be able to change the fact that it feels so right.

I could feel the tears in my eye build up again, but I didn't care. "I love you too Shawn, so, so much." I mumbled, pressing my face to his chest as my arms circled round his waist, and his my shoulders.

"You... you guys are in love?" I heard Ali weakly ask behind me. I slowly unwrapped my arms from Shawn, and turned to face her, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, yeah we are."

Ali's bottom lip began to visibly quiver, as she shook her head.

"I'm so sorry!" She cried, flinging her arms around my frame. "I-I didn't know! I didn't know you loved him! I'm so sorry for being such a bitch!" 

I laughed at her words, bringing my arms up to hug her back. "It's okay Ali, really." I reassured her, "As long as you're not mad it's okay. Because you come first, no matter what."

"Hey!" I heard Shawn yell behind me, and I felt Ali vibrate as her laugh echoed through the room.

"Sorry Shawn," She said, untangling herself from me, "But sisters before misters, all the way." 

"I guess that's fair."Shawn huffed in response, causing Ali and I to burst into our own fit of laughter.

"But-" Ali warned, turning her attention back to me, "-If I ever invite you round, you are NOT allowed to ditch me for him, do you understand me!" She told me, pointing her finger in my face.

"Yes, I understand you." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Well if that's the case." Shawn butted in to our conversation, "If I invite her round, you're not allowed to steal her."

Ali simply scoffed in response, "Oh please! I can do what I want." She told him, waving her hand.

"What? No! Becky, tell her!" I shrugged in defeat, looking towards a gaping Shawn, 

"Sorry babe, but I'm not fighting, she's scary." 

"Seriously?" He mumbled back, and I only nodded my head in response.

"Ha!" Ali wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and stuck her tongue out at Shawn. "How does it feel loser? Your girlfriend likes me better than you!"

"Careful Ali, if I remember, she never said she liked you better than me, she simply said she was scared of you."

"Who cares? she still picked me."

"Only because you're scary."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I am not!"

"You are too. Ask you're best friend, she said it."

"Do not bring me into this!" I warned Shawn, trying to hold back my smile.

"Technically, you started it."

"What?" I defended "How?" 

"By calling her scary." He deadpaned

"That... Is kind of true." I muttered, "Dickhead."


"You are" Ali muttered.

"Oh, you want some of this? Because I'll take you down right now."

"Come on then, fight me!" 

I let a laugh bubble out my throat as I watched the two siblings playfully, well, kinda, fight in front of me. But I knew I wouldn't have it any other way.

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