Chapter 20

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 "Well we do live at the same house so i'm going to let you think about that." Ali spoke sarcastically, and Shawn rolled his eyes,

"Well you could have been doing something after school." He deadpanned, and turned to face me, "Besides, that was more aimed at Becky." I smiled at him, and decided that I was going to be annoying,

"Well, considering I'm coming to your house tonight, I'm going to let you think about that." I said sarcastically, mimicking what Ali had previously said, causing her to snort in the back of the Jeep. Shawn rolled his eyes at our childish behaviour, and groaned loudly.

"Both of you can actually fuck off" I gasped loudly at his words, and pointed my finger in his direction, Ali joining in too.

"You swore!" I said, acting shocked, before smirking. "Told you, you couldn't do it." I spoke smugly, high fiving Ali. Shawn just got out the car and shut the door after him, which just made Ali and I laugh loudly.

After we both left the car Shawn locked it and came round to hold my hand.

"Don't be a sour puss" I teased, squeezing his hand, causing him to laugh a loud.

"Sour puss? Really?" 

Chapter 20

I didn't really notice it at first, the staring I mean. Well, I did, I just didn't really notice what it was directed at. Shawn blew up on vine, pretty much over night, so i guess when all eyes turned our way i assumed that why. What I didn't assume was that people were actually staring was because Shawn, the senior, was dating myself, the sophomore, which I suppose is a little weird... Anyways, like I said, at first I didn't notice it.

Aaliyah, Shawn and myself all walked into the school as carefree as ever, things were finally going good, and I was excited for the new school year.

"Right" Shawn said, pull Aaliyah and I to a halt, "Seniors have to collect their new timetables and such from the main hall, so I shall see you lovely ladies later."

"See you later Shawn." Aaliyah and I laughed, waving off her older brother as we headed to one of the recreational rooms to collect our own time tables and back-to-school packs. 


This was it. My senior year. My last year in this hell-hole of a school and I couldn't be anymore excited to get it over and done with. This year is also going to be better than the rest, for this year I have vine and Becky, and I'm not going to let anyone take them away from me.

"Oh my god! Is that the Shawn Mendes!?" I heard a voice laugh loudly from behind me. I turn around to find Katy holding hands with her girlfriend Emily. "Oh please I just neeed your autograph before you get soo famous and forget about me!" Katy laughs, swinging her arm around my shoulder, which proves rather difficult due to the drastic height difference.

"Oh i'm sorry, but who even are you? I only talk to people who have over 10 million followers." I say back in a 'snooty' voice, joining in on Katy's joke causing all 3 of us to burst out laughing as we join the back of the queue to get our back to school packs.

"So!" Katy clapped her hand on my back after we all finished laughing, "Are you ready to leave this torturous jail of a school?" 

"Can not wait." Emily spoke up, causing Katy and I to both look to her in confusion, for Emily must be the only person in the school who enjoys coming to school everyday.

"Uhh Emily, you love school." I pointed out, and she was quick to point her finger in my face and shush me loudly. 

"If the teachers hear you... they'll never let me leave. And don't get me started on the students, they'll hunt me down like a bunch of lions after an injured deer." She whispered seriously, 

"Do lions even eat deer?" 

"How am I supposed to know that? I'm trying to make a point don't rain on it Shawn." Emily pouted, sending us all back into our previous laughing fit.

After our laughter stopped we all began to talk about or summers and what stuff we got up to over the long break from school and Emily was just in the middle of talking about her trip to Florida and swimming with dolphins, when I felt i tap on my shoulder. I spun around to find none other than Tia Edwards looking back at me.

Tia Edwards is what can only be described as, as a popular girl. She has popular friends, lots of fashionable clothes, a mass following, and money. She was also someone who had never come up and spoken to me before.

"Hey... Tia?" 

"Hey Shawn! How was your summer?" Tia asked, smiling brightly which by result showed off her perfectly straight and immaculately white teeth.

"It was good yeah, pretty chill nothing big really happened, how was yours?"

"Well my parents took me away on holiday to Paris and London and they bought me a brand new Mini, but nothing big i guess either." She spoke, managing to keep her smile plastered on her face the entire time.

"That's coo-"

"So I was wondering," Tia began, cutting me off, "Do you maybe wanna go get coffee sometime? Like i saw your vine over summer and I was like 'wow, he goes to my school and he's super cute, how had I not noticed him before' so you know i thought i'd ask you out. I mean i was suuuper nervous but I manged to talk myself into it." I felt like Tia's mini speech was never going to end, especially since I realised she was only talking to me because of my vine.

"Um, no thanks, but thanks for the offer?" 

"Okay gre- No?" I heard Emily and Katy giggling from behind me and i quickly shot them a glare. 

"Yeah sorry, I have a girlfriend, but i'm sure anyone else would be delighted to go out with you." I spoke, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Oh you mean that sophomore you turned up with this morning? I just thought she was one of your sisters friends. Isn't she, you know, a bit young for you?" Tia whispered the last part, clearly trying to be as patronising as possible.

"She's actually only a year younger than me, now if you excuse me I have a time table to collect." I spoke before turning my back on Tia and walking up to the desk and collecting my pack.

Clearly I under estimated how this year was going to go.


Hellllooooo! so, i apologise, 1 for taking so long and 2 im a little rusty so this definitely is NOT my best work.

buuuutttt super exciting stuff, has anyone been to to going to Shawns tour?!?!?!?!? Omg I went the other day and it was AMAZING! honestly he is so amazing and hearing him live was just AHH words cannot explain how great it was!!

I love you all and I want to say that i'll update soon but by now you all probably know how slow I am heheh sorry! LOVE YOUUU xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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