Chapter 19

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"Do not bring me into this!" I warned Shawn, trying to hold back my smile.

"Technically, you started it."

"What?" I defended "How?""

By calling her scary." He deadpanned

"That... Is kind of true." I muttered, "Dickhead."


"You are" Ali muttered.

"Oh, you want some of this? Because I'll take you down right now."

"Come on then, fight me!"

I let a laugh bubble out my throat as I watched the two siblings playfully, well, kinda, fight in front of me. But I knew I wouldn't have it any other way.

 Chapter 19

After Shawn and I told Ali about our relationship, everything seemed to go back to normal, but it was even better than before, because now we all hung out together. It was times like these that I was grateful for the fact that by boyfriend was my best friends brother, because when when we all hung out I didn't have to worry about the awkward introductions, them not getting along, of my best friend hating my boyfriends guts -because we all know when that happens its probably time to invest in a new boyfriend- because they we siblings and they already got along great.

"Becky! Shawn and Ali are outside!" My Mom yelled from downstairs in the kitchen.

"Coming!" I replied as I glanced in the mirror once more, checking my outfit and makeup. Once I was satisfied that I looked fine I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"See you later Mom!"

"Bye sweetie, have a good first day back. Love you!" 

"Love you too!" I yelled, closing the door behind me and running down the pathway towards Shawn's jeep.

I pulled open the passenger side door and jumped in, waving at Ali who sat in the back. 

"Good morning guys!" 

"Morning B-Dog" I raised an eyebrow at Ali's reply, 

"B-Dog? Really?" She shrugged her shoulders and laughed it off, causing my own smile to grow wider.

"You're such an idiot Ali" Shawn mumbled from the drivers seat, and I turned my head his way, to find him already looking my way. "Good morning" He smiled, gently pressing his lips onto my own, and I could hear Ali making gagging noises from the backseat.

"You guys are gross" She muttered, and I pulled away from Shawn, rolling my eyes, but with a smile still sat upon my lips. 

"Who's ready for school?" I cheered loudly, rather excited to return. 

Today was out first day back over the summer, and I was rather excited to go back, especially since Ali and I were now sophomores, meaning I would be turning 16 soon, and I would finally be able to get my drivers licence. On top of that, Shawn was now senior, meaning that he was at the top of the school, I know, exciting stuff.  

"Ughhh" Shawn groaned, "I am so not excited for school, classes are going to be ten times harder now, and I just know I'm going to be sitting tests every other freaking day."

"Freaking?" Ali questioned from the back seat, and Shawn chuckled,

"I'm trying out the whole 'not swearing' thing." He answered, causing me to scoff. He shot me a playful glare, "What? don't think I can do it?" 

"Don't think babe, I know you can't do it." I said, rolling my eyes. Anyone who knows Shawn knows he has a major 'potty mouth' and won't be able to keep this up for very long.

"She's right buddy" Ali patted his shoulder, causing Shawn to pout. 

"Thanks for the support guys"

"You're welcome!" Ali and I chimed together, causing up to erupt in a fit of giggles. 

I placed my hand onto of his, and gave it a squeeze. "But don't worry about the school work and classes, you'll do fine." He gave me a lopsided grin, and picked my hand up to kiss the back of it. 

"Thanks babe"

"Ew, can you guys not be a couple for like, 5 minutes" Ali complained, and I shot her a playful glare.

"I thought you said you was cool with us"

"I am, doesn't mean I wanna see it though" I laughed and turned back to face the front of the car as we pulled into the school drive way, here we go

Shawn pulled his beloved Jeep into and empty parking space, and switched off the engine. 

"You two need a ride home tonight?" He questioned us both as he reached for his bag that was sat on an empty seat next to Ali.

"Well we do live at the same house so i'm going to let you think about that." Ali spoke sarcastically, and Shawn rolled his eyes,

"Well you could have been doing something after school." He deadpanned, and turned to face me, "Besides, that was more aimed at Becky." I smiled at him, and decided that I was going to be annoying, 

"Well, considering I'm coming to your house tonight, I'm going to let you think about that." I said sarcastically, mimicking what Ali had previously said, causing her to snort in the back of the Jeep. Shawn rolled his eyes at our childish behaviour, and groaned loudly.

"Both of you can actually fuck off" I gasped loudly at his words, and pointed my finger in his direction, Ali joining in too.

"You swore!" I said, acting shocked, before smirking. "Told you, you couldn't do it." I spoke smugly, high fiving Ali. Shawn just got out the car and shut the door after him, which just made Ali and I laugh loudly.

After we both left the car Shawn locked it and came round to hold my hand.

"Don't be a sour puss" I teased, squeezing his hand, causing him to laugh a loud.

"Sour puss? Really?" 


Guess who hasn't updated in several months and is really sorry? Me!!

Sorry I took so long guys, I'm super sorry :( 

But, lets just take a second to appreciate Shawn's new album! OMG! It's so good uggghhhh. 

My fave at the moment has got to be Queen, what's you guys' fave song from the new album? 

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My Best Friends Brother  ~SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now