Chapter 7

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"Truth." I mutter, still not wanting to play the game.

"Whose the boy?" Ali asks, mt blood freezing in my veins. "Because I know there is."

"There isn't!" I defend quickly,

"Lies." Ali sings, "it's a truth, you have to answer."

"Okay, then I pick dare."

"Well I dare you to answer the question."

"Ali!" Shawn interrupts, "She doesn't want to answer, leave her."

"It's fine Shawn." I smile, "I feel a bit sick though, I think I'm going to go." I say, getting up.


"Shawn really, it's fine." I cut him off and start heading inside the house. "Bye guys."

Why does he have to be so kind?

Chapter 7

As soon as I stepped foot out of the Mendes household, I called my mom, whilst trying to contain my ragged breaths.

"Hello, Becky?" My mom asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"Mom, please can you come get me?" 

"Yes, are you okay? You sound upset, are you crying?" My mom questioned, worry evident in her voice.

"I'm fine mom." I laughed lightly, "But, could you bring my skates?" The line was quite for a moment,

"Oh, I don't know Becky. It's pretty late, and what if something happens to you? What will I do?"

"Mom..." I begged, "Please..." There was another pause, until I heard her sigh.

"Fine, okay. But you're not staying long." She compromised.

"Thanks mom."

"I'll be a few minuets, bye."

"Bye." I said, before hanging up my phone and sliding it back into my pocket.

I sat down on the curb and waited for my mom to arrive.

How could I have been so stupid?

I knew playing that game was a stupid idea, and why did I pick truth? I should have known Ali would ask me that question, I should have known...

I blame Katy. Little bitch coming up with the stupid idea to play that stupid game... okay, so it wasn't Katy's fault but I'm trying to hate her because she was here with Shawn so we can just pretend it's her fault.


My Best Friends Brother  ~SHAWN MENDESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ