Chapter 15

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"So Becky, what do you say? Because I love you, and I really, really want to be mine, and only mine."

"I say yes, because I love you too." Becky wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled their lips together.

I scrambled back to my room, and jumped on my bed.

"Oh my god, what the hell? What the fuck was that! Oh my god... SHIT!" I mumbled to myself as I laid down on my bed.

What in the world is going on? 

Chapter 15

Ali's POV:

I startle wake, gasping as I do so. I turn my head to see Becky asleep next to me, I gentle smile on her features.

No doubt thinking about last night. I think in disgust to myself.

Okay, that was a bit harsh, I'm not disgusted by Becky and Shawn being together... I think I'm more hurt, hurt by the fact Becky hasn't told me -because from what I saw, that is obviously not their first discussion- and hurt by my own thoughts of whats to come.

Will Becky leave me for my brother? I know it sounds like we're together, but I'm her best friend so when she comes to my house will she ignore me and just talk to Shawn?

Well, I might be a little disgusted, but come on! It's my best friend kissing my brother... EW!

Sighing, I grab my phone from my nightstand and decide to talk to the one person who's being honest with me right now.


Hey, you awake? x


Yes I'm up. Everything okay? x


Not really... I'm quite confused if I'm being honest. 


Why whats happened? Are you hurt?


No, I'm not hurt... Physically at least, emotionally? I'm scarred for bloody life.


Why... Whats gone on? Who's done this to you?


It's a really long story :(


Wanna come over? I'll be your shoulder to cry on :))) ;)


Idk... that winky face seems pretty suggestive... ;)


Okay okay okay, no winky faces included. Do you wanna come over and talk about whats upsetting you?


Can I come over now???


The faster the better :) xx


Okay, on my way now x

I smiled down at my phone, after I sent the last message.

"Who's got you smiling like that?" A voice questioned, startling me and my head whipped round to see Becky looking at me with a quirked eyebrow and a sly smile.

"Nothing, it's no one." I snapped and Becky raised her hands in surrender.

"Okay, it's no one, got it." She muttered, before pulling back her usually bubbly and innocent self, "So, what we doing today?" She asked and I shrugged, getting up off of my bed.

"No idea what you're doing, I'm going out." I say whilst grabbing clothes out of my closet. 

"What? Where are you going?" Becky almost shrieked at me, still managing to sound hurt.

"No where of your concern." I snapped once more before stomping off to my bathroom to change.


Okay guys, I know this is a really short chapter but it was just because I wanted a better build up for the next chapter so really, this chapter is just a filler. :)

My Best Friends Brother  ~SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now