Chapter 5

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"I wanna be drunk when I wake up, on the right side of the wrong bed."  

Shawn's voice streamed out through my phone, and filled my room. I smiled down at the screen in front of me, and carried on scrolling. The next video, still being Shawn's, was a video of him riding down the street on one of his boards. 

I desperately wanted to like all of his videos millions of times over, but sadly, that's not how vine works. 

Yes, you heard me, Shawn had finally posted on vine. Over the past week and a bit, Shawn, Aaliyah and I had all been posting on our vine accounts, and Shawn had actually been doing really well. 

His first few videos didn't really get recognition, but then he posted a video of him singing. I've always loved his voice, Ali and I always told him he should post on YouTube but he just laughed at us and said it wasn't as easy as that... But I guess this shows who was right. 

Shawn posted his first singing video, then the next day when he woke up, it had over 10,000 views. Ali said it was really funny actually. Apparently Shawn was yelling, then he deleted the app, saying he didn't want it... Then 3 hours later he re-downloaded it and posted another video of him singing.

He is even already up to over 16,000 followers, Aaliyah even has a couple thousand, due to the fact that she's Shawn's little sister and she was even in one of his videos. Then it comes round to me, who only has a couple hundred, and that's only because I'm in a couple of Ali's videos. 

I'm not really bothered though, I don't really think that the 'famous' life would be well suited for me.

I looked back down to my phone when I felt it vibrate.

'Shawn Mendes just posted a vine'

I smiled, quickly clicking onto his profile, and waiting for it to load. When it finally did, I got a fuzzy feeling in my stomach at the sight of Shawn in his video. I pressed play and waiting for it to come on.

The sound of Shawn's guitar started flowing through my phone once more, and my cheeks were actually starting to hurt from the amount of smiling I was doing towards my phone right now.

"Becky?" I heard my mom call from downstairs and I turned my phone off, getting up off of my bed.

"Yeah mom?" I called back, 

"Could you grab my purse? I think it's on my bedside table." 

"Okay." I walked into my mom's room and picked up her purse, before I ran down the stairs. Once I was down, I walked into the kitchen to see my mom sat at the table, surrounded by lots of different papers.

"What's going on?" I asked, handing her purse over. 

"Nothing sweetie." She smiled sadly, "Just go back upstairs." She waved me off.

I hesitated, but walked out the kitchen, and back upstairs to my bedroom. I know my moms going through a lot with the divorce, and she doesn't want to talk about it... but I just feel like if she would open up to me about it she would feel better. 

I know what's going through her head though, she doesn't want to worry or put pressure on my because I'm the 'kid'... I guess it's a parent thing? Well saying that my dad didn't give a shit so maybe not.

Beep Beep

I looked to my phone that lay on my bed, and picked it up to see I had a message from Ali

ALI: Hey Becky, the BBQ is tmr at noon if you can still come :)

ME: Yes, don't worry I'll be there.

ALI: Goodie! <3

I turned my phone off again once more before I laid down on my bed. 

I was going to a family BBQ tomorrow at Ali's, so I know Shawn will be there, and I'll see him. Should I congratulate him on his new following on vine? Should I tell him 'I told you so' due to the mass of attention he's gotten?

I groaned, pulling the hand down my face.

If anyone could hear me right now, they'd tell me how ridiculous I have. Because seriously, who falls for their best friends brother.

My Best Friends Brother  ~SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now