Chapter 17

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Thankfully, Ali walking through the door, slamming it behind her before turning to glare at us both. 

"Where have you been?!" Shawn yells, but the worry is still clear in his voice, and Ali rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with you Ali? Where have you been all day, we've been worried." I say, taking a step closer to her, but I stop when she scoffs.

"What's wrong with me?" She questions, her voice rising. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

"What do you mean?" I ask defensively, taking a step back towards Shawn. Ali clocks the movement and frowns slightly, before masking her face once more.

"I know, about the two of you." Shit. I feel Shawn freeze next to me, and I feel lost for words. "so you both better start explaining... and make it fucking good." 

Chapter 17


I jogged up the steps to the door and knocked quickly, not wanted to be stood out here for very long. 

The door swung open within seconds - as if he'd been waiting - and I was greeted by Ryan's smiling face before he ushered me inside, shutting the door after me.

We stood awkwardly for a moment, just in his hallway until Ryan cleared his throat.

"Do you - erm - do you want to go upstairs, to my room?" He asked, looking rather embarrassed and I smiled.

"Sure." I replied, "Lead the way."

I followed Ryan up the stairs and to his bedroom. When I walked inside it wasn't really what I was expecting... To be honest, I don't really know what I was expecting. 

It was on the smaller side, it had white walls with grey curtains, that hung to the side of the windows. The walls were also covered in pictures, though upon closer inspection I realised that they were actually drawings. 

His bed was on the opposite wall to the door, it was a simple double bed that again, had dark-ish grey bed sheets with plain white night stands either side. On the same wall as the door, there was a white desk, that was covered in drawing supplies and unfinished drawings hung on the wall above. So they are his... he's never mentioned drawing before.

"You did these?" I asked, walking closer to his desk to inspect the drawing further.

"Yeah... They're mine." I heard his quiet reply, as if he was embarrassed. 

I felt a presence behind me, and Ryan's hand come up to hold my forearm. 

"But I can show you them later okay? Right now, you need to tell me what's wrong." He said, as he lead me over to sit on the edge of his bed.

I nodded, looking down at my hands and took in a deep breath.

Should I tell him? It's not exactly my story to tell...

I felt a hand wrap round my own, and I look up to see Ryan offering me a small smile, which immediately calmed my nerves. I looked over to his desk, at all the drawings before I began speaking.

"So, it started at the BBQ my family had the other day. Becky was acting..." I paused, "Weird. She was acting weird the entire BBQ, like she wasn't really there you know? I blew it off though, put it down to her being tired. But then later on, we were all playing truth or dare; Becky, Shawn, his friend and I. I had asked Becky a truth and she wouldn't answer, she started getting all defensive and asked to switch to dare, so I dared her to answer the question. I knew I shouldn't have done it and just dropped it because she obviously didn't want to talk about it, but I had already said it." 

I looked over to Ryan, who was still already looking at me. He squeezed my head, telling me to continue. 

"But what was weird, was that Shawn got all defensive. Becky left, and I instantly felt horrible, but what made me feel worse... was Shawn. He was so... mad at me, it was so strange. Anyways, he left, to walk his friend home, and ran back in the house about half an hour later, yelling about if I knew where Becky was. I told him, and asked to go with him, but my mum wouldn't let me, said it was too late at night.

Shawn then came back home, around an hour later. he had a confused look on his face, but he was still smiling... it was strange, and when I asked him about Becky, he just told me that he had taken her home before h went up to bed. 

So the next day I called her, Becky, asking her to come over, so I could apologise and she did, she forgave me too and ended up sleeping over. Then, this is where everything seemed to go, wrong. I was asleep until I had been woken up by my bedroom door opening, it was Shawn. I stayed still, making him think I was asleep as he spoke to Becky, he said he wanted to talk to her. They both left and went into his room. I, obviously, was confused and rather intrigued, so I went outside and listened to them talking. 

They kissed Ryan! They kissed and Shawn asked her to be his girlfriend! This has clearly been going on awhile and I-I just don't know what to do you know? That's my best friend and my brother. Do you know how wrong that is to think about?!" By the end of my 'rant' I had small tears rolling down my cheeks, and Ryan hugged me to his chest.

"I know where you're coming from Ali, I really do, but if you think about it, this is a good thing." He said, stroking my hair.

"How?" I mumbled, my tears beginning to stop.

"Because, they're your brother, and your best friend, you want the best for them. So isn't that them? You trust them both, and you know they're both great people, and they'll never hurt each other." Ryan explained, and I instantly felt better.

"I'd never thought about it like that..." I murmured, feeling bad about the way I'd treated Becky this morning.

We lay together on Ryan's bed together, in a comforting silence.

Maybe this isn't so bad after all...


Sooo. I haven't updated in a while, and I'm reallllly sorry! But, on the bright side, it was because I've been working on another story, so, yeh! 

I still feel bad though :( Have a picture of Shawn to make yourselves eel better :)

I still feel bad though :( Have a picture of Shawn to make yourselves eel better :)

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