Chapter 12

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"Of course I want this Shawn, I just want to wait until we're official you know? Make sure we actually go somewhere before we tell people okay?"

Immediately relief filled Shawn's face, and he placed a hand over my own.

"Yes." He said nodding, "That's okay, I do understand."


I leaned forward, pulling his face to me as I gently placed my lips over his, kissing him softly before I left.

"I'll see you later," I smiled, getting out of his Jeep and walking up the bricked pathway to my house.

I love him, everything will work out. 

Chapter 12

Ring Ring Ring

I slowly opened my eyes, as a loud, obnoxious ringing filled my room.

Rubbing my hand over my face groggily, I sat up, looking for the source of the noise.

Ring Ring Ring

My head snapped to my night stand, where my phone lay, ringing... loudly.

I snatched my phone to see who could possibly want to wake me up from my sleep. However, when my eyes land on the caller, I feel a pang of guilt and hurt.

Incoming call from: Ali

I stared at the phone in my hand, as it continued to ring before I came to my decision. 

I placed my finger on the cold screen, pressing the green accept button. I ringing immediately stopped, and I still held my phone in my hands, staring at it.

Ali hurt you...

...But without her hurting you, you may not have figured out what Shawn felt for you...

I battled with my subconscious before Ali's voice cut me off.

"Becky? Are you there?" Her voice sounded fragile, and hurt. I knew she was still upset about the whole ordeal that happened yesterday. 

I brought the phone up to my ear before replying,

"Hey, yes, I'm here."

"Okay, good... I just, I mean... Oh gosh Becky, I'm sorry!" Ali exclaimed, "Can you come over, please... we really need to talk."

I stayed silent after her words, talk about what? Oh god, did Shawn tell her? Would he really do that, especially after I asked him not to? 

What if she wants to talk about us? What if she doesn't agree with it... Oh god what if-

"Look Becky, I know you're upset, but please don't ignore me... Please come over, I just want to apologise, and make things right." I breathed out a sigh of relief, before I answered.

"Okay, I'm on my way now." I pressed the hang up button on my phone without saying goodbye, and I instantly felt bad about it.

Oh well, I can apologise when I get there.


I quickly walked up the pathway to the Mendes house, I stood in front of the door.

What if I see Shawn?

My stomach grew butterflies at the thought of seeing Shawn again after last night, and I raised my hand to knock on the door, with a smile on my face.

I knocked 3 times on the door, and waited patiently for someone to answer. 

Moments later, the door swung open and I was face to face with Karen.

"Becky, hello! Sorry to rush out on you dear, but Manny and I are just heading out, have fun though!" She exclaimed hastily, as her and Manny both rushed towards their car.

"Um... Bye?" I confusingly called back, before I went inside, shutting the door after me.

As I was taking off my shoes, I heard foot steps come running from the kitchen, soon followed by a voice, 

"Wait mum! we're-" Shawn stopped running as soon as he saw me stood in the hallway. "-Out of muffins..." He stood looking at me for a moment, before a smile took over his features. "Becky... hey." He said, taking a step forwards.

My smile matched his, as I too took several step towards him. "Hey Shawn." 

"Why are you-"

"Becky?" Shawn was cut off from speaking, when Ali yelled my name from the top of the stairs.

I immediately took a step back away from Shawn, as Ali ran down the stairs, and I saw hurt flash across his face from the corner of my eye. However, before I even had the chance to feel guilty, Ali had swooped me up into a large hug, completely engulfing me.

"Oh Becky! I'm so sorry!" She yelled into my shoulder, before pulling away, and holding me at arms distance. "Can we go up to my room? So I can apologise? Because I'm sure Shawn really doesn't need to hear." 

"Um s-" Before I even had chance to answer, I was being hauled up the stairs by Ali. At last minuet I caught a glimpse of Shawn, still in the hallway, who was laughing and shaking his head- probably at his sister's antics.

Once we were in her room, Ali sat me down on her bed, sitting next to me.

"Becky I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean any of it, honest! I just- I just wanted to know, because, you know, you're my best friend and we're meant to tell each other all the little things like this and I... I guess I just thought you didn't trust me, but know I know pressuring you wasn't the way, and you left! Oh god I felt terrible when you left, Shawn even yelled at me." Ali let out, all in pretty much one breath, but that wasn't what I was paying attention to, Shawn yelled at her?

"He was really mad Becky, he said I shouldn't force you into telling me- especially because I didn't tell you about Ryan... So yeah, I'm really sorry Becks, and I won't force you into telling me f you're not ready yet." 

I smiled gratefully at the tearful Ali, before pulling her into a hug, 

"Don't worry, I forgive you." I muttered, which seemed to only make her cry harder...

Obviously, I forgave her, she's my best friend. If I'm being honest, I pretty much forgave her the second Shawn walked into the ice arena. Not that she needs to know that... 

A lot of tears later -mostly Ali's- we were huddled up in Ali's room watching movies off of her Netflix.

I yawned, sitting up on Ali's bed, which we were both cramped onto.

"I'm going to go get a drink, you want anything?" I asked Ali, standing up.

"A bottle of water please." She replied, and I nodded walking out the room. 

As I neared the kitchen, I could hear voices at the other side of the door. Pushing it open, I walked inside... only to stop in my tracks.

Shawn and Katy were both sat at the table laughing, until they both saw me. Shawn smiled at me, and so did Katy, but I still couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt.

Why is she here? 

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