Intro Chapter

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I guess you can skip this chapter, nothing exciting really happens here, but I wouldn't suggest it. This one introduces the characters and gives a brief perspective on personality. So like I said, I guess you can skip it. But not recommended

"Alright squirt, I really have to go now"

An older man chuckled as he looked down at the young girl clinging to his leg as if her life depended on it. A woman that looked around her mid-thirties watched the exchange, a smile lighting up her face. After a minute or so of watching the man try to pry the little 8 year old off of his leg, she finally decided to step in.

"Come on Mia, daddy has to go to work"

At the sound of the woman's voice, Mia looked over at her, emerald green eyes wide and colored with mischief.

"But mommy" she whined, drawing out they on the end.

The woman looked at the young girl for a few moments longer before a bright idea came to mind and her smile grew even bigger.

"How about I show you how to make some cake, and then we can make some before daddy and Kitsune get home, just for them!?"

Immediately Mia's face lit up, and without thinking about it, unlatched herself from her father's leg.

"Yeahhhh, let's make a cake for daddy and big sister!!!" She screamed out of pure happiness while running right past her mother and into the kitchen.

At the sight of this, both mother and father couldn't contain their laughter, and let it ring through the small household.

After a second or so they both found their bearings and paused. The man took a short few steps forward and enveloped the woman in a quick hug, followed by a peck on the forehead.

"I love you Sora."

Sora snuggled deeper into the hug, burying her face into the man's chest and inhaling deeply before replying.

"Love you to Misuke" she replied in just barely over a whisper.

The lovely couple stayed as just that, embracing each other until an impatient call sounded from the kitchen.

"MOMA!!!! COME ON!!!!!"

The mother could only sigh in response, letting herself out of the embrace.

"Might as well, have a good trip, tell Kit that I give her good wishes as well!" She chimed, all the while gently urging him to the door with her hands.

"Alright then, good luck with that little bundle of energy!" Misuke said, right before he closed the door behind him.

With nothing else to distract him, he took in the beautiful landscape.

The little family lived on a small farm, located in a valley of hills. Trees dotted the land every 30 meters give or take, under the trees was beautiful green grass, not too long due to the cows and horses that moved in small groups around the fenced in planes. A small red barn sits a short walk away from the house. The sun was well in the sky, due to it being mid-afternoon, as the man makes his way down a well-trodden path to the red building.

In front of the barn, a supply wagon sat, the wooden wheels worn with age and use. Sun-bleached leather stretched over the wooden supports to cover the materials inside. Attached to the wagon by sturdy leather harnesses were 2 horses. One of the creatures was an almost solid black, only the left front hoof had a white mark on it, coming all the way up to the knee, abruptly stopping there. To it's left stood a mare of a very dark bay, a little white star sat right in between its eyes.

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