Chapter 14-Bittersweet Memories

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"Hey mama, where as you taking Sand-dollar ?"

The little girl watched as her mother slung the gear atop his back.

"Me and Sand-dollar are going to bring Acorn to his new home sweetie."

The 7 year old fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

"But why can't Acorn stay here, with us?"

Sora paused in her handy work and moved to crouch in front of the little girl, putting her hands on her shoulders.

"He wants to go Kitsune. Acorn is grown up now and he wants to go meet some new people... just like you will when you grow up."

The gentle mother pulled her daughter into a sweet embrace and let her words soothe the girls fears and curiosities.

It was for a few minutes that the mother and daughter stayed like that before the little girl pulled away and stared down her mother with the hardest stare she could muster.

"I want to go with you and say bye to Acorn... after I make sure he's in a good home."

It took all the mom had not to laugh at the attempted seriousness, but she couldn't hold the smile from her face.

"Of course honey, why don't you go get Echo and we can ride there together?"

The 7 year olds face lit up like a freshly lit lantern before she was running towards the barn. It was then that Sora chuckled, and stood up to finish the work on her own horse. When Sora was done she turned to help her daughter tie Echo to the hitching post.

"Now wait here while I tack him up for you okay?"

A firm nod.


Flashback End

That was the first time she went with her mom to bring a horse to their buyer. She remembered how she went with her every single time after that, unless she was completely tied and unable to. That time with her mother was so precious and irreplaceable, and she loved every second.

One of her favorite runs with her mom was when she was about 9, they were bringing a young filly, about a little over a year, to her buyers, Mr. Rey and his wife. They were an older couple, no children, but what they do have was a dog.

It was an adorable little thing when she first met it, if she remembered correctly it was a beagle. Kitsune loved playing with the pup, and she loved running outside with it in the years to come. The last time that she visited to little household was a good few months ago though and she couldn't help but wonder.

Are they even alive now?

Her mind pondered over the question until the familiar barn doors came into sight. The small red barn had definitely aged and it was clearly visible.

The pale moonlight showed almost everything, the red paint had drastically chipped, showing the old, dark wood beneath. Some shingles on the roof has Fallon off, leaving holes for the light to seep into. One of the hinges had finally giving out, releasing the top half of the left door, leaving it to hang awkwardly relying on the bottom to hold it.

Dismounting, she slowly walked toward the barn, hating the memories that resurfaced with every step. The only thing pushing her forward was her fear of still being present when the sun rose.

Putting her plan into action, she started with step one, put a saddle on Echo. Her fingers fumbled with the straps, mindlessly tightening the girth before grabbing the biggest saddle bags she could find and filling it with items needed to care for the horses. Satisfied with the amount of stuff she fit, she secured it to the saddle horn. Taking another bag, she filled it with hunting supplies. Rope, different knives, bullets, a lot of bullets, a pistol, the rifle was secured to her back, when satisfied she grabbed the last thing she knew she could fit on Echo.

A sleeping bag.

For good reason too. Without such a thing, she would freeze in the coming winter. The cold was almost as unforgiving as death itself.

After she was sure she had packed Echo with as much stuff as possible she fetched an extra long horse lead from the barn before scanning the area around her. Picking out three different horses in the faint light provided by the moon, she identified the one that would be best for her cause.

With every step that she took the identity of the horse b came more visible, but she would never have expected to sleeve this one. Of all of the horses that were on her ranch, why did it have to be this one. His pale sandy colored coat shone in the moonlight and his chocolate brown eyes looked deep into violet ones. Memories rushed back into her head in waves as she stars at her moms favorite horse.

Sand-dollar stood rock still only a few feet from her trembling form. It took all she had not to only collapse on the ground right then. Her knees trembled as she remembered every time her mother riding on top of the strong horses back. She felt tears prick her eyes as she remembered her mom teaching her how to ride Echo using this very horse for examples.

She remembered everything, but when her eyes strayed to the dark figure next to the steed, she couldn't hold it in. Her knees buckled and she dropped to the ground like a rock. She felt the tears leak over her eyes, her internal dam breaking as she trembled with the force. She remembered riding past her, she remembered watching her hit the ground, but she never expected to ever see her again.

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