Character Bio!!

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Hey guys!!! I think it's time for a little character bio, I'm pretty sure I've described them well enough... but just in case.

Kitsune Tomoe

If you are wondering here is the pronunciation.

Hair color-White
Hair length-little past waist
Eye color-purple/violet
Height- 5'2
Weight-115 lbs
Clothes- Normally a dark pair of jeans sometimes holes are there, sometimes not.  Top consists of a light teal tank top.  Hair is usually in a ponytail.  Wears worn black leather boots.
Age- 17 yrs
Birthday - 2-7-828
Family: Misuke and Sora Tomoe (dad and mom) Mia Tomoe (younger Sister)

Mia Tomoe

Hair color- strawberry blonde
Hair length- Just past shoulder blades
Eye color- Emerald Green
Height- 3'3
Weight- 42lbs
Clothes- always wearing either a white or light pink cotton dress that passes her knees. Normally uses black tennis shoes and always has her hair down.
Age- 8yrs
Birthday- 24-9-837
Family- Misuke and Sora Tomoe (dad and mom) Kitsune Tomoe( older sister)


Misuke Tomoe

Hair color - white
Hair length - long enough to cover ears
Eye color -Sapphire Blue
Height - 5'7
Weight- 152lbs
Clothes - always wearing a loose-fitting light brown shirt and black pants. Hair is always a shaggy mess. Black iron toed boots and black fingerless gloves.
Age- 42yrs
Birthday- 7-9-803
Family - Sora Tomoe (Wife) Kitsune and Mia Tomoe ( Daughters)


Sora Tomoe

Hair color - Strawberry Blonde
Hair length - well past hips, almost to knees.
Eye color - emerald green
Height - 5'0
Weight- 107 lbs
Clothes - Light green blouse and black riding pants with black leather boots much like Kitsune's. Hair is always in either a tied up braid or a well done bun.
Age - 38 yrs
Birthday 5-6-807
Family - Misuke Tomoe ( Husband) Kitsune and Mia Tomoe( Daughters)

Well those are all the really important ones right now. I might update In the future with some more important peoples. If you have any questions please do ask.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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