Chapter 19- Haunted Memories

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These were moments that she would gladly fight for.

Living out here wasn't easy, she had to fight every day to survive just for a little peace. She had to be sure not to eat a poisonous plant, always a rookie mistake. The animals were fairly harsh as well, bears and wolves were not friendly. The climate out there was not nearly as forgiving as she was used to.

These times are what make her grateful that her dad taught her how to survive in the wild. If he didn't shit would be very different.

A sigh excited her mouth as she plucked another tomato off of the plant. She was still excited for lunch, probably more so than a normal person would... oh well.

~Time Skip 7:00~

Lunch and dinner had been amazing. The best stuff she had eaten in years.

Each meal consisted of some deer meat cooked over the fire layered in delicious herbs plus vegetables, cooked and raw.

Best thing ever.

A sigh of content left her mouth just thinking of the orgasm her tastebuds had today. Amazing.

But now everything for the day is done, dinners been cooked(and eaten), the fires been put out, horses groomed. Done. It felt good to be done, then her worst enemy set it.

He joined her every evening to laugh at her misery in this life. She can imagine it, the dark chuckle echoed in her ear every after noon.

Boredom is an evil bastard.

Being bored made her think, and thinking is not good for her mental condition as of late. All she could think about is her past life. The days with her family would never leave her head.

She could only think about how being close to them had only ever hurt her in the end. When her dad was almost killed in front of her, it was the scariest thing she thought she'd ever see. How wrong was she.


"Run over their and grab some bread will ya? I'll get the meat." A younger looking Misuke told a 14 year old Kitsune.

They were in the market square, picking up some things to stock their pantry for the week. The little family always took turns sending two members into town to pick up supplies, it was always routine for them considering they didn't really live close to town.

Kitsune always enjoyed it when it was her turn, it was nice to talk to friends and acquaintances. All of the people here were nice and friendly, she couldn't help but stop to converse with some of them.

"Oh, hello dear!! What can I get for you today? The normal?" And older voice reached her ears as she stepped in front of the bread stand.

The woman was an elderly, over 60 at least. She wore a light green dress with a dirtied white apron covering her torso. A very nice woman by the name of Mrs. Jackson.

"Yes, that would be awesome." Kitsune smiled as she watched the elderly package three loaves of bread, tying off the bag with practiced movements.

"Hows life been for you lately?" Kitsune asked, urging conversation to add to the light, chatty atmosphere.

"Oh, very well!! Mark is almost ready to take over the bakery, any day now." The elderly announced, pride covering all her features.

"I'm sure he will do a fine job as well".

The young girl smiled as the bag containing her order slid over the old wood of the table, and in return placed some coins in the outstretched hand of the woman.

"Now don't annoy your father on the way back!!!" The older of the two chuckled. "We don't need you acting like Mark now do we?"

A joyous laugh escaped the girls lips as she moved away from the stand, disappearing into the crowd. Leaving behind only a faint 'Of course not' to dance in the elderlys ears before she lost sight of the girl.

Now she needed to find her father, he had probably already purchased the needed meat, considering he wasn't in line anymore. As she was walking down the street towards the designated meeting place a flash of movement further ahead caught her eye.

It wouldn't hurt to investigate, she still had time.

So she walked past the rendezvous place, letting her curiosity control her motions. As she looked around she noticed an alleyway, just left of her. It's the perfect place for a thug to claim its prize.

As soon as she passed the corner of the building she felt herself choke on the very air she depended on. Wide eyes stared at the scene in front of her in complete horror.

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