Chapter 1-Familys Love

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The week flitted by on delicate wings and time ran through Kitsune's fingers like silk. All too soon, she was mounted on her steed as they trailed behind the old supply wagon, looking back at the place over her shoulder. Kitsune had a lot of fun, meeting new people and caring for the horses. She made great friends with Cora and even met James again. Only a handful actually seemed friendly though. Some looked absolutely insane, so much to the point that she stayed clear as much as possible. Others were just rude and arrogant idiots.

Over the time, she became better acquainted with Hanji, gradually getting used to the crazy woman, and soon, not much to anyone's surprise was friends with her. Erwin was seen very little by her, and when she did actually see him, they never talked. Of all the people she met though, there was one particularly interesting one, officially dubbed captain shorty by Hanji. Lance Corporal Levi was an intriguing person indeed. The moment she met him, Kitsune had met a challenge and accepted it. Even if she knew it would be pretty much impossible. He's closed himself off from the world, no doubt about it, no one even knows the last time he smiled. And that's where it all started, mission 'Get Levi to Smile' shall never be forgotten, and she'll be damned if it's not completed.

The sound of 2 horses screaming ripped the thoughts away from her brain to be replaced by worry. She instinctually squeezed her legs around Echo's side and rode toward the front of the wagon that had abruptly stopped. Ahead she could hear her fathers attempts to calm the mares down, and succeeding gradually. When they came into view, alarms went off in her head at the sight of Misuke crouching in front of the black coated mare. Without even bothering to stop, Kitsune swung her leg over the saddle, almost tripping over herself when she landed.

"What happened?!" The white-haired girl shouted as she stumbled to her father. Concern covered both faces as she saw thin trails of crimson running down the mares leg from a new cut right above her ankle. A second later her father stood up and looked around.

"There was a snake on the road, it got Moon." He said grimly. A twinge of worry flooded through her, she knew how bad this could turn out. She's seen what has happened to horses bitten by a venomous snake before.

They had to be put down.

"Untack Echo, he can pull the wagon. I want you to walk with her. I don't think it was venomous, but we can't be too careful until we're sure." He ordered, already undoing the straps tied around the mare.

With a firm nod and a grunt, she went to do as told.

Her fingers fumbled clumsily with the saddle girth, unable to think quite straight. She had grown up with these horses. Moon and Legend were older than her even. She was the one always caring for them as soon as she could walk. Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach and made her want to throw up at the thought of losing one of them.

A loud clank sounded as tack met the bottom of the wagon and she looked at it a second before letting go. She turned back around to her horse that had followed behind before an idea struck. Twisting on the balls of her feet she picked up the bridle before quickly unclipping the reins and making her way over to her father. Successfully making a loose noose out of the worn rope she looped it around the neck of the mare that had been completely untacked before leading her away.

Within the next few minutes, the horses had been switched and Moons leg had a temporary wrap around it to keep out infection. A quick flip of the reins was all it took and the little supply wagon was on the road again slowly moving along the dirt path. There was nothing to watch except for the long shadows cast by the morning sun and the fields of grass pass by. The sound of clicking hooves and wagon wheels bumping over rocks accompanying it. A little village soon came into sight and the duo wasted no time with finding a vet. They were soon, much to their relief, informed that the snake was not a venomous one, and the worst case scenario now was an infection in the bite. Soon enough they were on their way.


"BIG SISTER!!!!! DADDY!!!!!! YOUR HOME!!!" Screamed a short little bleach blonde girl as she ran towards the recently opened door. Two familiar figures stepped inside the little cottage-like house and had just enough time to close the door before the child barreled into them. Laughter erupted from Misuke and Kitsune as they watched the little girl snuggled into her fathers' pant leg, making herself completely at home right where she was.

"Oh come on Mia!! Let go of daddy's leg, isn't there something you wanted to show them?" Asked the mother as she entered view of the group, a playful edge to her soothing voice.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth Mia's eyes popped open and she was pulling her family into the kitchen in a heartbeat.

"Yeah!!!!! Come on! Come on!!! We made you something!!!!!!" The child nearly screamed. So much joy and excitement were being held in that tiny body, Kitsune could only wonder where she put it.

Soon enough Kitsune was standing in front of a delicious looking chocolate cake with eyes and mouth wide open. A cake was a rarity to this little family, especially chocolate considering how expensive cocoa beans were. Before the violet-eyed girl could devour the delicacy with her bare hands her mother was pushing her away from the counter.


"No. I would like some too, thank you very much." The woman said rather bluntly, a hint of warning to it. If Kitsune has learned anything about her, it was that it could get fairly ugly if you get between her and her chocolate. She seems sweet, but Kitsune once took a bite of her chocolate bar, and that woman was merciless and made her clean the whole house till there wasn't a speck of dust left!

Deciding it would be for the better Kitsune backed off, moving behind the little island counter and watched her mothers back as she cut the cake into equal pieces, then proceeding to put four on separate plates that already had a fork on the edge of each.

A smile overtook everyone's face as they were presented the delicious food and took no time at all to dig in. Everything was peaceful, happy, Kitsune couldn't ask for more. She relished these few quick moments of actually coming together as a family, laughing, joking, it was perfect. It felt like nothing would break them apart. She loved them all.

But just as the time came, it left. 


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