Chapter 9- Lulliby of Darkness

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We're all going to die.

It ran through their minds like wildfire, demolishing any other thought in their head and bringing a tidal wave of fear and horror with it. The thought repeated over and over again as she just watched the foot of the beast come closer by the second to her mother and her horse. It's going to kick her. She going to die from landing.

A scream tore from Kitsune's throat as she watched in slow motion as her mom was sent airborne.  Lightning was dead before gravity's greedy hands even brought him down to earth and her mother was screaming in terror as the ground came closer by the second.  She was sure she heard Mia screaming to her mother as well, but Kitsune felt numb. 

All sounds of the outside world were muffled except for the heart stopping crunch that echoed when her mothers body hit the earth.  Everything moved in slow motion as her neck twisted in unnatural ways until a horrid snap sounded.  The body rolled a few more times before it came to a stop, to never move again. 

Her mom was dead. 

Terror and pain filled her entire being as the thought was put on replay in her head as tears fell in small waterfalls down her face. It happened in seconds, but it felt like hours until at last her mom was dead. She would never see her smiling face again, or her beautiful emerald green eyes. She would never get in trouble for eating her chocolate. It was all over in mere seconds.

On the inside she felt a large part of her own being die with her mother. A hole was opened up in her heart, a hole that would never be filled again. So much of her life was over and gone in the few seconds it took for her mother to hit the ground.

The giants next step landed right next to Celt, sending quakes through the ground. The earth shook at the mercy of the merciless titan, nearly shaking the horse off her hooves. Celt could only take so much, just like every other horse, Kitsune only hoped that she wouldn't fall.

Sora's lifeless body raced past them before the next step was taken. Time slowed down as Kitsune looked into her emerald eyes for the last time. They didn't have the glow they did moments before. They were dull, and lifeless, just right for a dead body. Were they all going to suffer the same fate as her? Or were they going to die in the beasts gut. Either way, Kitsune was sure, they were all going to fall into deaths claws.

Death is the god that is feared by all, he comes to everyone one day to collect their living soul and transport it to the world of the dead. Death will sometimes come at a time most unfitting and tear you away kicking and screaming. One simply can't avoid him. Now Kitsune wonders, has even a god, been able to handle transporting so many souls at once? Is her mother safely brought to the other side? All the questions ran amuck before everything stopped.

A horses scream interrupted the constant rumbling as well as her father and sisters. Her head whipped around so fast she knew she was gonna feel it in her neck in a few days... if she made it that long. Adrenaline numbed the pain only to a dull throb as it pumped through her veins.

What sight greeted her was one that almost happened moments ago, but this time it actually occurred. She saw every detail as Celt stumbled and went down like a crashing plane. She saw the 'oh shit' look on her fathers face as they hit the ground. Her sisters screaming rang in her ears like bells.

In the spur of the moment she watched helplessly as Misuke curled around his little girl. Mia was still screaming bloody murder as they rolled on the ground. Her horse was pulling further away by the second, and she was about to turn around, but she saw her dads face as he sat up as best he could.

"GO, YOU MUST LIVE!! LIVE FOR US KITSUNE, DON'T TURN BACK NO MATTER WHAT." His voice was raw from all previous yelling, and it looked like it took all his effort just for those words. The tears fell even harder down her face if at all possible. She was going to turn back anyway, when the titan suddenly stopped in its advance. The things head slowly turned towards its fallen prey, eyeing it's next meal like a hungry wolf. A sob escaped her lips as she watched it advance on the last of her family.

She wasn't fast enough. She couldn't save them. They were going to die.

Then she ran.

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