Chapter 4-Mothers Pain

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2 Days Later:

Silence greeted her once again along with a dark ceiling.  Nothing moved in the still room.  Vivid violet eyes simply stared into the darkness, burning a hole into the roof. 

Normally she'd enjoy waking up early like this, before the sun rose.  But all she wanted to do was fall back into the realms of sleep and hope no more dreams haunted her.  She didn't want to think about it, she wanted to forget. 

But nothing was ever that easy in this twisted world was it.

All she knew at this point was something was wrong, and she couldn't do anything about it.  A frustrated groan left her lips as she broke the stillness and flipped over onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillow. 

All Kitsune wanted was a normal life.  Grow up, get a simple job, or just live off the ranch.  Get married, have some kids.  Watch them grow, and then pass on to the other world.  All while watching the rest of her family grow alongside her.  It was a simple wish, but no, the world fucked that up a long time ago.  That wish went out the window when she realized this world was not all rainbows and sunshine.  There's no such thing as a simple life.  Life is hard and the world is cruel, but that doesn't mean that there aren't good parts to it to.  Her family, and her friends.  They're all good people.  They aren't like the stranger who will wait just around the corner to take everything you have and then slit your throat. 

The world is fucked up and cruel, all the few pure ones can do is run and hide from the dangerous places.  It's so extremely rare that anyone makes it through life without being tainted by their own wants and desires. 

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she gave up on sleep and stood from her bed.  She needed to talk to someone, someone who wouldn't judge her, and Kitsune knew just the right place to go.  Not a sound as made as she moved down the hallway, having done this many times before she knows where to and where not to step to be silent like the night.  By the time she made it to the front door not a thing has made a sound, with the exceptional whinny of a horse outside. 

As she reached for the door knob her hand abruptly stoped at the creak of a floorboard behind her.  Startled, she flipped around to face the cause of said noise, and was surprised to find her mother standing in front of her.  The woman's long hair was a little tussled due to bed-head, and she wore a pair of knee length white shorts and a black t-shirt.  She stood straight and almost tense as she looked at her daughter.

Kitsune was about to turn around to continue on her way when she caught her mothers eye.  So much unease and fear rested in them, but worry covered it all.  That's when it hit her,

'moms been worried about me the whole time.' 

All of these past few days, ever since that dream.  Kitsune never realized it before, but she was more distant.  A lot more than usual.

For a few minutes they just stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes.  Kitsune felt the cold metal of the doorknob in her hand, she knew that was the only way to escape this confrontation, and she wanted to do it.  She wanted to do it so bad, but her hand wouldn't move.  It didn't matter how much will she put into it, it wouldn't turn the knob. 
She couldn't escape.

"You know you can talk to me Kitsune."  Her gentle tone broke the tension and silence of the room and Kitsune almost flinched from the impact of the words.  Suddenly, she felt anger take control.  Boiling hot rage flooded through her veins, she felt it fill every nook and cranny of her entire being.  Her grip on the doorknob tightened until her knuckles were white as snow.  She didn't care if it hurt.  The girl didn't hardly notice it.

"Of course I know that, why wouldn't I."  She spoke firmly.  Poison covered her words and she saw her mother flinch, she saw the hurt in her eyes, but she didn't care at the moment, she kept going.

"Why would you want to know anyway?  Why would you want to know about my problems?  Wouldn't they just burden you more? Hmm?  You don't have enough on your plate?"  Rage showed on every movement and word she made.  She watched her mothers eyes widen, and the small step back she took.  She saw it all.

"Wouldn't my burdens be to much to take?  Well mom?  Listen, why don't you keep your nose out of my shit and worry about your own life."  Her voice kept growing louder and louder before it cracked.  Kitsune twisted the knob so hard the metal strained under the pressure before stomping out of the house and slamming the door behind her.

She saw everything but she didn't see the tears falling from her mothers emerald eyes.


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