Chapter 11-Tramas Poison

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It was small, but enough. Leaves and brush littered the floor of the little bubble and the edges were quite rough, but that would change with time. She didn't want to work though, she wanted to curl up in a hole and die. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as the events of just a few hours ago replayed in her head. She wanted to scream, scream at herself for leaving them, her only family, behind. She left them behind and death only took advantage of it. Sobs caught in her throat as she tried to stop them. Death was an evil unforgivable bastard.

She let him take her only light in life though.

With that final thought a scream ripped from her throat and the tears fell. She felt herself unravel in front of Mother Nature and her alone as she punched the side of the hollowed trunk. Her world was falling apart, and there was nothing to do about it. She felt the small prickles of thorns when she grabbed a handful of the dead brush inside the hollow, but she didn't care. Adrenaline realty dulled the pain and she didn't care for the blood, she just wanted to watch it fall. The girl was almost tempted to follow the discarded brush, but something held her back. In the mist that clouded her head something told her body not to do it.

Why couldn't she just die?

Another scream tore from her throat as she tossed a second handful of the thorny brush out of the tree. She was sobbing uncontrollably now as she watched it fall, landing with only a small audible rustle of the branches. Was there anything to her life? The only people that mattered were gone, what did she have to live for now?

The questions swam in her head as her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. The tears continued to fall. Even when she curled up into a ball, putting he knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

They continued even when night slowly fell upon the world.

They continued as she felt her throat grow hoarse.

They continued even when she finally fell into the realms of sleep.


When she opened her eyes again it was well into the day. The suns rays shone through the hole in the tree and nearly blinded her upon opening her eyes. She squinted in objection to the bright light and moved her hand to cover them, stopping when she caught sight of the damage from last night. Dried blood covered a good amount of her palms and fingers, along with a lot of tiny ragged scratch marks. First thing she needs to do is clean this up, even though her body protested against just about any movement now.

A grunt left her lips as she finally came up with enough strength to stand, muscles being quick to protest. Staying stationary for a second she let her body adjust to the move before she stretched. Never did she relive that she was this stiff.

Running a hand through her hair she walked to the edge of her new home and stared down, only one sentence came to mind as she though of getting down.

Fuck... this is gonna hurt.

The girl only climbed as far down as she needed to before she knew she could jump with out breaking anything, and she was right about her hands hurting. Some of the wounds from the thorns had reopened and a fresh coat of blood coated her hands by the time she touched the ground. When she finally made it down she paused to take in her surroundings. It all looked the same as yesterday, the only difference is that the top of some of the long grass was a little shorter.

Echo had moved to the center of the long grasses and was happily munching away. If only she could be as ignorant as him, them life would be so much easier.
After all, ignorance is peace.

With a short whistle from her lips the horses head popped into view. Slowly he made his way over taking his sweet time and grabbing another mouth full just before he departed with the grass.

Kitsune could only roll her eyes at his greediness before climbing on top of the mount. Nudging him in the direction she wanted to go, she sat quietly with her thoughts.

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