Chapter 2-Bloody Nights

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Blood, teeth, faces filled with fear, red, it all flashed across her vision. Screams echoed in her ear, voices begging to live. Fear. So much she could practically feel it. The overwhelming smell of death. The senses made her want to throw up. Images kept flashing before her very eyes, until it all stopped. Everything stopped and complete terror filled her entire being. She wanted to scream.

There laying in front of her, was the beheaded head of her beloved little sister. Her expression forever frozen in fear, panic, confusion, so many things. The little girls mouth was frozen in a scream of absolute terror and her eyes were clouded over with death, forever open in horror.

Tears fell down Kitsunes' cheeks in waterfalls as the teenager just stood there, body numb in shock. This couldn't be true, something's wrong. So terribly wrong. Mia isn't dead.

Refusing to believe it, she did the only thing she could think of.

She ran.

Her mind was blank with terror as she fled from the horrible image. Adrenaline flooded Kitsunes' veins, aiding in her escape. Darkness surrounded her body in every way she looked. All she could do was get away from that sight.


Violet eyes flipped open to be greeted by the darkness of a familiar room. It took everything Kitsune had to not scream when memories of the dream flooded back into her mind. 'It was only a dream.' She repeated in her head, over and over, if only to give herself some kind of comfort.

She didn't know how long she laid there, frozen in her bed with the covers sticking to her body, soaked through with sweat. How long she stared at the dark ceiling. But she knew something was wrong. So terribly wrong. She'd never had a dream like that, never in her life.

Then it hit her like a train. She felt all the breath leave her lungs for a second as the thought flooded her mind, only a single word had her skin breaking into cold sweat once again.


What could've possibly happened for her to end like that. For such a sweet little girl to meet her end only eight years into life.

Thoughts flew through her head as fast as she could process them. So many unanswered questions. Her body was frozen in a sitting position and a haunted look took over her features.

It was only when she blinked did she realize how tired she was. Trying her best to push the abrupt dream to the back of her mind she settled into her covers.

It's only a dream.

It can't be real.


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