Chapter 5-Falling Peace

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Boots hitting the dirt road in slow, even footsteps. That's all that was heard. There was no wind to blow through the leaves, no early morning birdcalls. The cows were even quiet. No crickets chirped, and no rooster cawed it's early morning call. The world was silent, and so tense it was felt. Everything was restless and uneven. Patterns were broken and fear set in. It controlled everything, from the smallest insect to the winds themselves.

Fear was the worlds greatest enemy, but fear is also the greatest ally.

It is because we are afraid, that we are human. Fear is what shapes the person, if you are not fearful of anything, then you are probably the dumbest person alive. If you are afraid, then you know you recognize what is a threat and what is not, fear gives you the adrenaline rush that you sometimes need to fight, to win.

Every being is different, but there is one fear we all have in common.


That is why Kitsune is so troubled. This fear of death, fear that it will sink its claws into her little sister much to early. That it will steal her precious little soul from the world of the living. She is too young to have to even think about that now, at only 8 years of age. What did her poor fragile self do to deserve a death of such horrific detail.

Why can't she know? Why is the world keeping this from her?

So many questions without answers.

The soft rhythmic crunching came to an abrupt stop as a barn door stood in her path. The red paint was a little faded, and around the corners signs of peeling could be seen. It may not be the prettiest, but it worked. Squeaks emitted from the hinges as she opened the door, due to the failure to oil them, or simply get them replaced. Only lord knows how old they are. The barn was quiet inside. Not a dreading silence, but a peaceful quiet. Warmth emitted from the bodies of the 3 large animals inside and made it a comfortable place, a little mouse could even be seen shuffling through the hay.

The first of the three to notice the troubled girl was her own, Echo. The strong bodied animal greeted her with a soft nicker, as if telling her, beckoning her to come closer. He always was the gentlest of the bunch, the horse had an absolutely bomb-proof temper, nothing fazed him. They had also grown up together, as a little foal, barely weened from his mother, she had taken care of him.
He would do so much for her and she him.

The girl held her hand out and almost immediately the gentle giant nudged his nose into her palm. Everything was quiet and peaceful, nothing was wrong with this moment while the troubled teen simply stood and stroked her horse. If you had walked in you would have seen a bond between man and animal that was rarely ever seen. It was a bond that would never be broken. One could tell that they'd do anything together.
But right now, they just needed peace.


The girl didn't know how long she spent next to her companion, nor did she know when she fell asleep on the soft straw on the floor. All she knew was the sun was high in the sky when she woke up. Judging from the position it must have been at least noon. Not feeling like getting up she just sat there, staring at the large animal mere feet from her in the same stall. Simply studying the dips and rises of his body, how his muscles rippled under the soft fur with every movement. She studied how the light reflected off of his silky smooth coat.

After lord knows how long she moves into her surroundings. The old wood of the walls, the rusty metal latches of the stall door hinges. The hard ground beneath her fragile body.

That's when she felt it. Dread hit with the force of a tornado on the worst day possible. Not believing herself she laid her whole body on the floor, pushing against it before she stilled. She didn't want to believe it. What could be doing this, this has never happened before. That's when she mentally smacked herself, this is the real world, this has to be true. Her heart pounded at a pace no one could rival, it felt like it was beating out of her chest.

The ground........ the ground was shaking.

Panic shot through her body like flames raging through dry prairies. It was slight tremors, and sounded so far away, but, the thing is, what in the walls name could possibly be so big? And why is it only appearing now? Questions appeared before she could even process them, flooding her head. In all of the chaos of her mind one thing kept reappearing over and over again.

She needed to know what was happening.

Wasting no time the girl was quick to get to her feet. Maybe if she met the thing half way she would still be able to save her family, if it was a threat at least. Maybe there was still hope for them. In quick skilled movements the latch for the stall door was open and a gentle push was all it took to move the wooden object. She didn't care about what they would think of her ridding off without warning. She just wanted to know what is happening.

In the blink of an eye the 17 year old was on the back of her trusted steed, fingers tangled into the thick mane. And in no time we're the duo out of the walls of the small barn. The sound of quick fleet hooves hitting gravel was all that accompanied them. There was no wind nor were there birdcalls.

There was only silence.


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