Chapter 21 Perparation

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Hey!!  I have a new chapter, but this is a completely rewritten chapter 21.  I didn't like the way that one was going so I've have decided to delete that version and now present you with this!  Enjoy!


The soft pattering of rain filled the cozy hollow with its calming presence.  It gently tapped the high canopy of the forest before falling to the floor.  Times like this, when the rain droned on, was the most calming of times for her.  With the hypnotizing sounds of nature to distract her from her thoughts and the smell of the forest somewhat enhanced, so much so to take over her senses.  On days where it would rain the young woman would just sit there for hours, at the edge of her hollow, watching the forest and its creatures move. 

Under the safety of the thick canopy rested her two steeds.  The stallion and gelding stood next to each other, unmoving, almost as if sleeping.  The woman sits at the edge of her hollow, wrapped in layers of animal pelt.  She'd been sitting there since she had woken up that morning, unmoving for hours.  By now she would have normally been out and about, considering how the rain had lessened into a light drizzle, but at this time of year it would be to dangerous.  If she went out and got wet she would probably freeze to death.  Kitsune didn't have the luxury of a hot shower when she came back, she'd just be cold and wet, and that plus winter is always bad.  If she had to guess it was about 44 degrees already. 

It was as if thinking about it had invited the biting air into her blanket of fur, resulting in a shiver as goosebumps traveled down her arm.  She looked behind her at the jacket that rested on the floor where her blankets would normally lay.  It's been about a year since she's traveled to get supplies and at least three since she's gotten a new jacket.  The black coat was extremely worn and even tearing in places, hardly serving its purpose anymore.  She then decided that tonight, if it wasn't raining still she would travel outside of her safe zone. 

With the decision made she looked to her side where she kept the bagged vegetables that she harvested before winter.  There was little left, but with the coming spring she knew more would grow.  She reached for the last bag of carrots and started munching on them, ignoring the cold air that bit into her exposed arms. 

It was then that she returned to her thoughtless state of mind while she watched the forest in front of her buzz with life as she waited for night to come. 


It was about an hour before sunset when the rain had finally died off and left only the wind to dance through the forest.  Kitsune has waited about 30 minutes since, just to make sure it was gone.  Once positive she stood up from her seated position.  After dropping all of her blankets in a pile she twisted her back, listening to the satisfying popping that resulted. She reached for the old jacket and slid it over herself.

Zipping up the jacket, the girl enjoyed the warmth that came with it. She then stepped to the other side of the hollow, picking up the large bag that would mount Sand-dollar and thoughtlessly tossed towards into the open air. Gravity did its job, pulling the object towards the damp earth.

After slipping on her boots she followed the bags down, slender fingers finding familiar grooves in the bark. Her muscles didn't even feel strain from the trip down, showing herself just how much she's matured physically in the three years alone. Sure, she did at times get lonely and bored, but she also knew that her living conditions were better than those behind the walls. She wasn't blind to the small food shortage that was already happening before losing their land. The refugees behind Wall Rose were no doubt starving, most of them probably didn't have a house either. She was, okay. Physically she was striving in the wild, yet mentally, that's a different story.

She had watched her mom killed and knew her baby sister and father were eaten as she ran away. Now, she was living completely alone, no one could help her, and she will admit that her methods of dealing were... extreme. She's almost ashamed to admit to even herself that she enjoyed watching her blood swirl in the stream she bathed in as it leaked from little cuts on her hip. That satisfaction never lasted long, it only helped her when she was having a really bad mental episode.

The feeling of her feet touching the mushy ground shook her from her depressing thoughts. She banished them from her mind as she moved towards a certain tree across the clearing, grabbing the slightly damp bags along the way.

She set them down on a mostly dry part of the tree roots before reaching into a fairly large bubble in the Earth, the roots leaving a large opening before becoming tightly entwined over the bubble. Her hands grabbed the leather saddle that rested there. She didn't use it often, preferring to ride bareback, but she still took care of it, the condition much the same as before the breech. She rested the water free tack on a dry spot next to the bags, reaching in once more to pull out the saddle pad and grooming supplies.

Leaving the pad with the rest of the tack, she picked up the two grooming tools and ghosted over the ground towards where the two horses rested. A small humming noise resonated from her throat as she began brushing over the palomino stallion with the curry comb. Taking care of the horses was the only thing more calming than rain, it reminded her of how she would do this every day at her old home.

Her humming continued as she switched brushes to a stiff bristle brush, dusting off any dislodged dirt and hair. Once satisfied with her job she moved on to the gelding that stood waiting for her. She almost chuckled as he bent brought his great head towards her and head butted her shoulder. She paused in her work to scratch him behind the ears and he nickered in enjoyment. Feeling satisfied he pulled his head away and let her continue her previous activity.

It wasn't long before she felt satisfied with her job and she turned towards the tree with tack on it. She put the brushes in a bucket inside the water tight tiny cave. She grabbed the saddle pad and placed it carefully atop Echo, positioning it correctly. She continued tacking the two horses, preparing them for the trip soon to come.

By the time everything was ready the sun was touching the tops of the trees, the temperature dropping with it. It was then that she traveled up into her tree and prepared herself for the upcoming journey.

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