Chapter 23-Unusual Friends

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Damned wolf, couldn't just fucking die.

A groan escaped her lips when she felt another jolt of red hot pain shoot up her arm. Somehow she had managed to get back into the saddle, with a lot of curses, yes, but she had still done it. Now she had the long lead tied to the saddle horn, with her torch and reins in her left hand while she cradled her right arm against her body.

Crimson blood slowly froze against her jacket as it leaked from the wound at a lazy pace. She had done the best she could at covering it, but she just didn't have the stuff to do it correctly; and it's not like she could tear up her shirt or jacket, she'd only freeze to death.

Cold, bitter wind flew through the open trees, biting into her exposed face. A shiver ran through her body as she thought of her home and a pile of warm fuzzy animal pelts hat we're waiting for her. Her body yearned for sleep and her eyes were getting droopy. Every muscle in her body screamed as she urged her horse forward.

A light snow had started to descend towards the earth, finally breaking through the thick canopy of the giant trees. She had come across 2 sleeping titans now one her way to the village, and she was sure she was close. The smell of death still sat heavy in the air, even if it had been 3 or 4 years now, it's not an easy stain for Mother Nature to scrub off.

Even though she was tired she had decided that she was going to go to the village, rather than back home. It would have been a longer walk back there than to the old human civilization, and she needed to treat herself fast.

It wasn't long before the old overgrown path came into view, the once beautiful well kept dirt road was no more. Weeds have now taken over the earth, sprouting everywhere, and bushes and ferns grew over the edges, covering everything they could reach.

Kitsune urged her tired body to lead the horses into the overgrown trail. The only sound that resonated was the gentle wind blowing through the leaves and the steady thumping of hooves. The light of the half moon touched the ground and leaves around her, lighting everything that her torch didn't in a magical way. This forest was simply amazing, and she was glad to call it home.

A soft nicker pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked towards her front. She could finally see her goal ahead of her.  Signs of human civilization emerged from the ground in the form of broken horse corrals.  The light of the torch illuminated three slightly skinny horses grazing along the edges of the path.  She expected them to pay no mind to her, and all but one did just that. 

The first two horses they passed, a black tobiano and a chestnut, simply raised their head to acknowledge them only to return to their midnight snack.  The last one did the exact opposite though.  Kitsunes' eyes curiously followed the horse as it slowly stepped into the path, blocking their goal.  The girl knew that a horse could pose no threat, so she gently tugged in the reins with her uninjured arm as the majestic creature cane closer.  She was able to get a better look at the animal as it came closer, it's head was black with a white snip and from this angle there seemed to be no other markings.  The horse stepped even closer, close enough to almost touch.  She felt Echo start to grind on his bit, trying to nuzzle the horse in front of him, a low nicker left him as he shook his great head.  Kitsune felt herself give him a little more rein and he immediately stepped towards the black horse, touching his muzzle to its.  The horse jumped back, seemingly surprised, before it reached forward and returned the gesture while releasing a high pitched whinny. 

Kitsune felt good watching this, it's been so long since any of them had seen other horses, this was a beautiful moment.  She was only brought back to reality when another string of pain shot through her arm, a grunt escaped her lips as she gritted her teeth.  Her goal was ahead of her, she just had to treat herself, and fast.  A tad bit of guilt flooded her heart as she gave Echo the command to move forward.  The horse seemed reluctant, but with another nudge a soft nicker left him as he walked around his new friend. 

She had expected the horse to go back to what it was doing, but she was surprised when she heard new sound added to the clop of her two horses.  A third set of hooves seems to have joined them.  The girl gently twists her waist in the saddle, only to see that the black horse was keeping a steady pace behind Sand-dollar.  She was surprised, sure Echo had done the greeting and nuzzling before with other horses on a trip, but never had one followed them.

Kitsune a small smile grace her face. It wouldn't be bad to have a new friend around, only if it followed her all the way back. The smile dropped as she realized that the chances would be extremely low, but one could only hope.

She looked ahead once again, feeling triumphant as the first few buildings came into her torchlight.  They were just as she'd expected, old, rotten, and worn.  Some of the shingles were simply gone, while some of the roofs themselves had caved in.  Vines grew up the wooden walls, taking the building over completely.  She was sure this place would be beautiful and majestic, if it weren't for one thing. 

Faint stains remained in the old wood and cobblestone and the entire place smelled so strongly of death she felt like she were choking.  Half skeletons littered the ground of all shapes and sizes.  Some of the bodies seemed torn up from animal predation, but most of them seem as intact as possible from a death by titan.  The skin loosely covered bones, completely coated in brown blood and the smell was absolutely horrible.  She was suddenly very glad that she didn't eat any lunch. 

The rotten stench seemed to shove itself down her throat as she did everything in her power to not gag.  The horses didn't seem to like it either for they kept swinging their great heads, to and fro, as if trying to blow away the dirty air.  A quick glimpse behind her was all it took for her to realize the the black horse seemed to have disappeared.  She would have normally been disappointed, but she didn't have the energy to be for all of it was going to keeping the bile in her stomach and not on the ground. 

Another wave seemed to aim straight for her as she openly gagged, almost spitting up onto her horse.  Disgust swept through her as she thought only one thought.

I need to get my shit and get the hell out of here before I choke myself.  

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