Chapter 18-Flying

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As she looked out, she was only studying the middle area, not even close to the canopy. She closed her eyes, relishing in the feel of the cool air around her while she thought.

Without opening her eyes she dropped the basket into her hand, getting a grip on it before she threw it as far away from the she as she could. Only when the she the soft thud did she open her eyes, feeling happy with the distance in which it traveled.

Adrenaline pumped threw her veins as she simply thought of what she's about to do, and she couldn't help the smile that adjourned her face when she stepped back from the edge. She inhaled a deep breath before running, taking about 3 large steps before she pushed off the edge.

The feeling of being completely encased in air wrapped around her in seconds as she let out a joyous shout to the heavens. What was simply seconds felt like hours as she watched the ground grow closer. She quickly maneuvered her body in the air, twisting into the right position meant for landing.

A grunt left her lips as she felt her shoulder come in contact with the hard earth, resulting in a planed roll forward. She rolled a couple more times before coming to a stop, momentum having left her. Her eyes looked up at the sky as she laughed, for the first time in years, she actually laughed.

The noise was foreign to her ears as it bubbled out of her stomach, making even the horses look her way. Moments like these were rare in these hard times. The last time she truly laughed was with her family around her as they ate cake at the table. It was before those things invaded her life.

It was at that simple thought that she felt herself choke on her own laughter. All sound sputtered to a stop only to leave heavy breathing to fill the silence when the pictures , flashed in front of her minds eye.

The cold, dead, sunken eyes that belonged to her mothers rotting body.

Its really amazing how fast the mood changed, a second ago the girl was laughing out of pure joy, now she's trying her best not to throw up. She moved her hand away from the tall grasses, releasing the blades from her grip. Her long fingers pinched the bridge of her nose as she slowly sat up, ignoring the slight twinge in the shoulder she landed on.

A long sigh escaped her lips as she soon had the basket in her hand and was slowly walking down a newer, lightly trod path. Silence walked with her, matching her step for step and accompanying the girl as much as it can. It had been Kitsunes' only friend since she moved here, if you didn't count the horses at least.

Being in the presence of Silence almost always calmed her, the invisible being quieted the birds and stilled the wind, leaving the world peaceful. Kitsune had always imagined the being as a young girl, with long, flowing hair. Always was she barefoot, with a long silky white dress covering her body.

The mysterious invisible girl visited her often, always when she needed it. She always imagined crystal blue eyes, as clear as one can think, gazing into her own dirtied violet ones. Those eyes stared into her soul, calming any and all inner turmoil. Kitsune loved it.

She loved that there was always someone she could rely on. She could rely on the being until the day death finally decided that she had enough of this world and came for her soul. Until the day she could see her family again and finally be happy.

The sound of the wind returning to the area gently nudged her out of her thoughts, it was almost as is her friend was saying bye. She sighed as all sound slowly returned to her ears, just listening before she looked at where her feet had taken her.

It was another clearing, much smaller than the one in which she lived. In the middle lay a reasonable sized garden, consisting of many different plants including cucumbers, tomatos, and a few more vegetables. To the far left were some fairly large herb plants.

On her latest little 'expedition' she had found quite the collection of seeds, so she thought why the hell not.

Definitely worth it.

Maybe now her food wouldn't taste so bland. She had always just settled with the simple stuff, meaning she hadn't had anything that took more than 30 minutes to cook. Her meals normally consisted of some meat cooked over the fire and nuts. It wasn't much, but she survived.

Now she knew she would definitely embrace the vegetables.

While she was getting the seeds she decided to snatch a little cook book, just so she could actually used the herbs and veggies. She was never really one for the kitchen, maybe because she wasn't allowed in there after she burnt bacon of all things, but no, she did not cook.

She had to shake her head to knock her self out of those memories of the kitchen - not that any of them ever ended well - and into the present. Her gaze soon rested over the little garden.

Many different vegetables hung from vines and branches alike, plump and ready to be picked. She could feel her mouth watering just at the thought of the different flavors they provided. It wasn't long before she was bent at the knee and pulling the edible parts into her basket.

Most of her day was spent here, tending to and harvesting the plants. It was a perfect day for it as well, sunny, yet fairly cool temperatures for summer. Doing all this helped her forget the pain of her life.

These rare moments of peace are intoxicating and she would gladly get drunk on them. The pain of the world leaves her mind and she forgets those moments where she became a living shell with no soul. She forgets the horror of feeling her soul chip away one piece at a time.

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