Chapter 15-Family Reunion

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She never wanted to see her mothers rotting body.

After laying there for three months decay had started to take over, leaving only bones and the thinnest layers of skin behind. All color had drained from he body, leaving her pale as snow. Her hair had severely thinned over time and lay splayed around her body. Her clothes were severely wrinkled and covered in dirt.

She clenched her eyes shut, the sight was horrible, she didn't want to see it anymore. She felt her stomach churn when she put her feet under her, but she didn't care. The pain of the sight had left her numb. There were only two words that echoed in her mind as she finally locked her knees beneath herself.

Get out

It repeated in her head like a mantra.

Get out Get out Get out

She felt herself stumble as she took another step, towards the horse this time.

Run away like the coward you are.

She felt the rough dirt covered fur beneath her hands, moving them toward the bridle resting on his head.

Leave all of them there to rot.

She finally heard the snap of the lead being clipped to the ring.


She hated herself with every step she took away from the body. Tears still leaked from her eyes, albeit slower, as she lead the horse towards the house with only the moon to light the small dirt path. She knew she needed to bury them, but she didn't. She didn't do it out of fear, fear that it would take to long and the sun would rise before she made it back. She feared death as much as the next person.

And she hates it.

Her hands still trembled as she reached to open the door, only to realize the wooden object was already wide open. Violet eyes trailed up only to be met with the emptiness of the dark hallway. Her sister had without fail managed to greet her every time she walked through this door, every time.

Dropping the lead, she took one step into the house and froze, cringing at the sudden feeling of emptiness that rushed to meet her. She took a deep breath into her lungs before forcing her muscles to unfreeze and move her further into the home. She didn't want to be here any longer than she absolutely had to, so she rushed in her parents room. She knew this is where her father kept the bag, right in the closet, hanging on the far left wall.

Walking into the space, her gaze lingered on the clothes that hung there, smelling of dust and dirt, never to be used again. Ignoring the clenching of her heart, she wrapped her hand around the bag.

It was a special kind, it was meant for horses without a saddle, and made for holding a lot of stuff. Her mother had hand stitched the thing specifically for her and her father to use when they went camping for weeks at a time.

Clenching her fist around the fabric she whipped her body around, grabbing anything that even related to medicine on the shelves of the closet and shoving them in one of the many bag compartments. Scanning the shelves one more time she looked for anything else she might need, her eyes stopping on one thing.

Her fingers brushed against the leather sheath of a large hunting knife. It was her fathers, she remembered listening to him tell the story of hoe he got the sharp metal. Waves of nostalgia crashed into her as she relived the memory.


"Hey dad, you've always got that knife on you, is it special or something? Or do you keep it just cause?"

A 14 year old Kitsune looked at her father expectantly as he wiped the sweat off of his brow. The two had just finished shoeing a friends horse and were about to pack up when she thought of it. Like she said, hes' always got that knife, and she was curious.

"Well, actually it's a little bit of both."

The girl only cocked her eyebrow, asking for further explanation.

"It is special, actually, very special to me. I also like to keep it on me just because I want to, I could very well leave ir at home, but I feel better with it at my side." He explained, unclipping the sheath from his belt as he did so.

"So why is it so special?" The white haired girl queried.

She watched as a smile graced her fathers face as he slid his fingers over the smooth handle, waiting for an answer.

"Well, you see, this knife is very old and has been with the family for years, my dad gave it to me when I was 18, telling me how it was givin to him at the same age by his father. Your great granddad got it from your great great grandad, and so on. It has been with this family since before the walls were ever built."

Kitsune just listened and stared in awe as her father relived the whole moment.

"One day, when you turn 18, I will be giving this very knife to you." The man smiled as he made eye contact with his daughter, enjoying the shocked expression on her face.

"W-what will I of all people do with it?" She questioned, completely and utterly confused.

Her father only chuckled before answering.

"Well you will keep it and pass it too your eldest child when they turn 18 of course."

Flashback End

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