W.I ( Wonderful Individuals).

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We all are wonderful individuals. Don't let people get to you.

We popped the pills and cut to our bone,
We held our breaths and died alone.
We fought the razors, drugs and pain,
But our attempts were all in vain.

We had no one to call a friend, we had no one to call our own,
We had no love from anyone and no caring was shown.
We had to hide who we are for the world not to hate us,
We were considered weird and dangerous.

We had to battel our problems head on and still put on a smile,
We got hated on because our smile faded after a while.
We lived everyday thinking we would get better,
We figured out it’s not going to work out from here on after.

We are the kind of people some can’t handle or prepare for,
We don’t seem to care anymore.
We are the kind of people that family and friends tend to love the day we die,
We are the kind of people that can say “oh well at least we tried”.

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Thanks my lovely readers. ❤😍


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