13 Reasons Why.

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*A.N*: Hey guys I'll be editing the book. Fixing the typos and such...
Oh a quote before I leave.
" The world doesn't promote talent, it promotes popularity" by my friend Zach.

1. I'm the kid that  no cares about,
And I'm never going to stop, till they hear me out.

2. I'm not as they see me to be,
What they consider to be lame and boring makes me happy.

3. I'm not some rich kid who's life's a fairytale,
I'm the kid that never gives up no matter how many  times I fail.

4. I'm not here to be perfect and act like a king,
Because kings  sit in a seat, and the soldiers battle to win.

5. I have a hard life but yet I'm still holding my own,
I'm used to friends but like being alone.

6. I have a heart and it's been broken since day one,
But still I survived and I've moved on.

7. I try to make people smile and feel good about who they are,
I  may fall short sometimes but I intend to go far.

8. No one can't tell me that I'll never be the  next big thing,
Because you're not that inner voice within.

9. I may be beaten but I'll never admit that I give up,
I'll keep on fighting and I'll never stop.

10. No one can judge me, I'm who I'm destined to be.
I'm fine with the way I am, no I dam happy.

11. I'll treat you right even though you'll be  ungrateful in the end,
At least you knew I was for real and I didn't pretend.

12. I'll go down swinging with all I got even if it's not worth it,
Some how I'll find room, it'll fit.

13. I'll die for the ones I love and that will never change,
And I'll always take chances even when it's out of range.

You'll never ever be or understand me even if you try,
And I've listed 13 reasons why.

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Thanks my lovely readers ❤😍.

Life At Desiigner out.

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