Home to the Galaxy of Hearts.

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Ddedicated to MolayneMelody. You had some impact on me while I did this. Standing round of applause for you.

Shattered glass, trails of blood, in the darkness of the room a body lies,
Broken promises, believable lies and tear-filled eyes.
With our crumbled hearts and twisted minds,
Our dark souls, knows that love isn’t kind.

Step into the fantasy, but you’re not invited to the other side of sanity,
White walls stained with blood, hearts hanging from the roof, you can’t handle this horror trust me.
Chilling laughs as you walk down the dark hall way, pictures staring at you with sinister smiles, you’ll cry!
Welcome to my sick, unforgiving home, you can’t get out so don’t even try.

Dolls with eyes missing and body parts stitched, up my wonderful toys,
Come, you will find where you heard that sick psychopathic noise.
The sound of blood tapping beneath your shoes tells me your running,
No please don’t I’ve worked so hard to make sure you enjoy my home coming.

Here I am with a ripped-up t-shirt, bloody hands, a muffled laughter,
When I’m finished with you, you wouldn't be  the same from here on after.
Tying you to a chair and torturing you in ways humans can’t even dream about,
I’ll keep on doing it because I love the way you scream and shout.

As the knife enters your flesh and I rip your still pumping heart out and your body goes limp,
I know you enjoyed playing my games well so I would think,
Now as I drive a hook into your heart and hang it with the other I collected over the years.
I know that I’m the type of person that everyone thinks about and fears.

Now for another who is that lucky person going to be this time,
Ah yes, she’ll do just fine.
So, I put on my best suit and biggest smile and welcomes her to my home where I told her that I have a galaxy of hearts hanging from the roof.
And if she doesn’t believe me I’ll use yours as my proof.

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Thanks my lovely readers ❤😍.

Life At Desiigner out.

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