A Poet's Goodbye.

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The poet's pen is going to rest, his work here is done,
He enjoyed the experience and it was nothing short of being fun.
He walked the roads of emotion and he got to his destination,
He gave the world a piece of himself through his master creations.

The waves took over the sandy shores and the footprints he made are gone,
He had done what he had set out to do and he did it strong.
The sky opened up it's eyes and cried when he was leaving,
But he held his head high because he knew his work was pleasing.

So the whispers now uproar into a loud scream over the land,
He was happy that he finished the mission, with a caring hand.
The sun sets upon his glory and he'll humbly leave without a word,
But silence that he carrys can often be heard.

The hour glass is empty but he had a lot of time to spear,
An this poet is glad to know that his work was highlighted everywhere.
So now the poet is going to rest and it's time for his name to be written in the sky,
And this is Life At Desiigner telling you he's leaving now, so my friend to you I say goodbye.

*A.N*: Well guys this is it I'm putting this book as completed as of today. Had a great experience here. Book 2 will be coming out soon. But for now I'll just read you guys books I really wanna catch on your books. This is dedicated to

MolayneMelody you guys have really great talent and thanks for everything you've done for me.

"I'm always pushing myself to the limit making sure I stay ahead, you make me who I am from the words you say".

Life At Desiigner saying goodbye.

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