Poetic Disaster.

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*A.N*: The last chapter is just a minor set back. Wanna thank you guys for almost 500 reads and 150+ votes and ranking at 176 in poetry without you guys I would never reach this far.

Find me where the darkenss and depression meet.
I'll be sitting by the river where my fears run deep.
I am just a shadow of the former me,
Living in a world where I can't be happy.

Just think if there was no happy endings,
It was just persons in disguised pretending.
What if in the end the bad guy should win,
What if the monsters aren't in the darkness but lies within.

What is fariytales were just a joke to make a nightmare seem real,
What if everyone you loved hurt you, how would you feel?
Think about how lovely the world looks but it's ugly side show.
If you had the knowledge to understand me then you would know.

What if the ground held up the sky from it's shame when it's grey,
Not everyone is who they say they are so don't always believe what they say.
What if blades were your choice of toy?
Then would you be causing yourself pain or bringing your self joy?

What if the I told you follow the buzzards and they'll bring you immortality,
What if that's your ticket away from this painfull reality.
For me the broken mirrors tell me who you truly are,
And this was just, well, what I call poetic disaster.

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Thanks my lovely readers ❤😍.


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