Extras (2)

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Someone asked me what leads you to selfharm,
Well the answer clearly lies on my arm.
It's knowing the perons you love doesnt care,
It's not finding peace anywhere.

It's looking at people being happy and you have to cry,
It's knowing you're hurt but have to lie.
It's thinking you have nothing to live for,
It's frightening that you have no one to adore.

It's sitting and thinking how much people hate you,
It's taking horrible comments and there's nothing you could do.
It's wanting to die but can't kill yourself  because you're to scared,
It's knowing there are more tough day ahead.

It's hiding your feeling so no one will know,
It's pretending like your like is a show.
It's because know one gives a dam,
And these are the reasons that leads me to selfharm.

I just answered the person's question. Don't report my book :)

Desiigner loves you.

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