Life as a Poet.

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See that boy in the glasses he's like so gay,
Why must you hurt persons with what you say.
See that skinny girl over there she's ugly,
No she's not, she's creative and very lovely.

Hey let's bump this nerd in that dumpster,
Why must you torture him, he just lost his mother.
Hey, girls let's bully the weird new girl,
Please don't, she's already scared of the world.

Hey look at that old man in the wheelchair he can't help himself,
You shouldn't laugh but help him get things of the higher shelf.
Let's get that cute girl drunk and get her nudes,
You're just some very disgusting dudes.

Omg look at her make up it looks so bad,
You judge her but no one knows what she goes through with her step dad.
Uhhhh he's such a lame person he writes poetry,
I'm glad to be lame and my poetry completes me.

This is the world that we live in each and every day,
And that's just heart wrecking for me to say,
Just be yourself because the only sure thing in life is death,
You have your life to live and i live  my life as a Poet.

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Thanks my lovely readers ❤😍.


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