Mind Games.

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*A.N*: Dedicated to  buzzthewildcat
Ristin_Yalc and Magicianess for everything. I'll not unpublish this book. I'll try hard to update when ever I can. Thanks guys you rock.

Whispers of tomorrow invade my  mind, losing sight of sanity,
I lost my mind the day my nightmares became a reality.
Through the darkness I went wearing a straitjacket  and a mask,
I'm a puppet playing along untill I accomplish my task.

Who pulls my strings, I don't know, but I do care,
It's a face I can't see but it has a voice that echos everywhere.
Broken glass lining my path I must prove that I am capable,
The bloody trails I'm leaving behind tells me I'm not able.

I'm fighting but there's nothing in front of me, but I can't stop,
From this venditvie dream, will I ever be woken up.
The lies of what was forseeing was the truth that I waited to hear,
But  both myself and my path are guided by the powers for fear.

The sky's face is dark and it's tears beating down on my body,
But I can't wipe away it's tears, why it this happening to me.
This isn't a horror story but I'm tortured I'm in ways you can't imagine,
I'm trap inside my mind, and my end is just the beginning.

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Thanks my lovely readers 😍❤.

Life At Desiigner out.

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