Same Mistake Twice.

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*A.N*: Uh life is such as suck up. This poem isn't about me I don't do the whole love thing. Just me seeing people around me experience "love" .

She wanted one last kiss, I wanted one last dance,
But in the end we ended up with regret not romance.
It was all a whirlwind and everything just happen so fast,
For a moment there I thought that this happiness would of last.

She's in a other dude's  hands and I'm here planning my death,
Yeah I know it's stupid but I don't plan to do it just yet.
Her favourite songs are now my worst enemy,
It's not that I can't listen to it, but it's she's in the melody.

At night I don't look at the stars beauty as I once did before,
I don't deserve to have that kind of privileges anymore.
The art that we once made was beautiful our grand master piece,
But now it's in ashes and resting in peace.

The pills and potions have seem to become weaker and weaker every time I use them,
And for me that's a major problem.
But it's all part of learning from your mistakes and bettering your life,
And as the saying goes don't make the same mistake twice.

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