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Sometimes I ask myself things that I need to know but can't get answered.

What's life without nothing to live for?
Why sail out to sea when you can't even walk the shore?
Why say you're going to be there and you not?
Why even start a story that has no plot?

Why hurt yourself?, Why carry a pain you can't bare?
Why did you ever think that they would ever care?
Why hide your nightmares when you knew there aren't fariytales?
Why keep on getting up and moving forward if you still gonna fail?

Those are just a few question I ask myself everyday,
Thinking the answer will take my pain away.
But these questions aren't answered and I get sad,
Because I would love to hear these answer very bad.

I'm a fool thinking that they'll get a response,
But I wish things could change just this once.
I have friends, families and enemies,
Can any of you answer these questions, please.

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Thanks my lovely readers.❤😍


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