Chapter 6

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We drove to the mall and started looking for the maternity store. We finally found it, and I liked nothing. Since I would be pregnant in mostly fall and winter I just got a bunch of leggings, shirts like I was wearing today, a really fuzzy sweatshirt and a coat. We payed for it then decided to go check out baby clothes. I bought a pair of baby converse. Niall had wanted to pick up his new blender from Sears so I agreed. The line was at least 30 people long. "Do you still want to wait with me?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. After 30 minutes my already swollen ankles hurt. I turned around to face Niall and let him wrap me in a hug. I found pain right after he did. "Oww Ni" I pulled away feeling some relief. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My boobs hurt really bad" I whispered to him. "Oh I'm sorry" he actually looked angry with himself. "It's not your fault you had no idea" I told him. I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. "I need to go pick up something I forgot" I told him. "Ok" he smiled at me. I went back to the maternity store and grabbed any bras that were soft. I tried them on, getting a size bigger so I would be comfortable. I bought them then went to the bathroom and changed into one of them. "So much better" I whispered to myself. When I got back I saw that Niall was the 10th person in line. "I'm back" I told him. I hugged him finding that my bra successfully cushioned his chest for me. "Better?" He

laughed. I nodded. My ankles still hurt though. I felt Niall's hand rubbing the bottom of my back. "Thanks Ni" I told him. I leaned against him trying to take pressure of my ankles still, they were killing me. "Next" They said and it was us. "I need the ninja bullet for Niall Horan" He said, clearly frustrated about the wait. We got the blender, paid for it and finally got to the car. "Oh my god. This is heaven" I said. Niall laughed at me. "What? It's warm and cozy and i get to sit so my ankles don't hurt as much" I told him smiling. "I'm sorry baby. I should have insisted we go home. If you were in that much pain you could have told me Princess" Niall told me. "I was fine" I assured him.

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