Chapter 25

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 "I hope they look like you" I said. "No way! I hope they look like you" Niall smiled. I tensed up feeling another contraction. "It's okay baby. Your doing great" Niall rubbed his fingers over my cold hands. When I opened my eyes Maura was standing behind Niall with her hand on his shoulder. "Hello dear" She smiled. "Hi" I said weakly. "They're sending someone in with pitocin in a few minutes" Niall told her. Maura nodded looking like she wanted to say something. "Mum? Something you want to add?" Niall asked. "It's just that pitocin quickens labor pains but also brings them on much faster. It also has the higher risk of bleeding after birth. Especially in natural" Maura said. I must have looked scared because Niall said "It's okay." The nurse knocked on the door. "Come in" Niall called. "Alice? Are you ready?" She asked. I nodded. "Dad will you help me balance her on her side?" She asked. Niall put his arms around me. I felt a needle prick in my back, then a pushing. It was a new way of injection that would still allow me to move around. I had changed my mind about pain medication. I bit my lip as the needle pushed in. "All done" The nurse said. It felt like the needle was still in my back. "Ni? Will you help me up?" I asked. He nodded and pulled me up. I put my hands on the railing at the end of the bed. Niall rubbed my back, careful to avoid where the needle had been. I felt a contraction coming. "Ni" I whimpered. It was a lot stronger than the others. I turned around into Niall's arms. "It's okay baby" I could tell Niall felt bad, he couldn't really do anything to help. The contraction lasted a minute and came every five.

Niall's BabiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz