Chapter 21

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2 days

Alice's POV

Niall left early in the morning and it was now late at night. I was laying in my bed trying to sleep, but I kept hearing noises downstairs. I dialed Niall's mum. "Hey, would you come over? I know it's late but I just- I don't feel safe here alone" I ran my hand over my bump. She agreed to spend the night with me. I went downstairs slowly to open the door. "Hello darling" Maura hugged me. "Thank you so much" I said. "Its no problem. Why don't we go upstairs to your room. Im sure your tired" She smiled at me. "You wouldn't believe it Maura" I rubbed my eyes and began up the steps. "Oh you poor dear. How are your hips?" Maura asked placing her hand on my lower back to steady me. "Sore. Extremely sore" I told her, going into my bedroom. "When are you due?" She asked sitting down next to me on the bed. "3 weeks. Niall is cutting it close. He's only going to be back a week and a half before Im due. I just don't want him to miss their birth" I rest my hand protectively on my belly. "He won't dear. I am almost positive these babies will go to full term" Maura assured me. "Now go to bed. Niall will have my head if you don't" She smiled. I laid down on my side away from Maura. She rubbed her fingers along my spine and my lower back. I fell asleep quickly. When I woke up Maura was awake next to me. "Good morning" She smiled. We spent the next few weeks together.

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