Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I woke up and my wife was crying on the edge of our bed. I got up and kneeled in front of her. "I don't think I can do this anymore Ni" She sobbed. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her. "Everything hurts. And I feel like crap all the time" She said with her head in her hands. "Why don't you take a bath while I go get movies and candy. Then we can cuddle for a little while" I suggested. She nodded allowing me to help her up. I could tell she was shaking by the way she kept putting her hands on the wall to catch herself. I had her sit on the edge of the tub while I made sure the water was a comfortable temperature. She took off the shirt she was wearing, then I helped her take off her bra. "Thank you" She said then climbed in, then relaxed as the water comforted her. "I'll be back soon" I said kissing her forehead. I purchased her favorite candy and soda, then went home and set up her favorite movie. I went upstairs to check on my wife. "Ni? Are you back?" She sounded worried. "Yeah babe" I called back. I set out clothes for her to put on. I went into the bathroom to find her still relaxing in the tub. "You ready to get out?" I asked. She nodded. She pushed herself out of the tub and into my arms, which held her robe. "Why don't you get dressed, then come downstairs" I smiled to her. She nodded. I went downstairs and sat down to wait for Alice. I heard her coming down the steps slowly. he sat down on the couch and leaned into my chest, still shaking. "Movie time?" She nodded. She pulled her feet onto the couch next to her and started to rub her back. I put my arm around her and rubbed her side softly. I could tell she didn't feel good, and was in pain. I felt awful that she would have to endure it for another three months. "Thank you" I said kissing her head. "For what?" She asked, looking up at me. "For being the most amazing wife ever, and giving me two sons" I looked into her deep chocolate eyes. She snuggled closer to me. "Your welcome" Alice fell asleep soon after. I checked my twitter for anything interesting, but saw a text pop up.


Alice doing okay?


Better. I can tell she feels like crap, but she won't really admit it


That sucks man


Yeah. She's still got 3 months left


Man, we go on tour in 2 months. Hows that going to work?


I'm not leaving her! I can't


We need you on the tour


I'll leave it till a few weeks before to tell Alice


Good luck man



I changed the channel to a movie I had wanted to see for a while but then fell asleep

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