Chapter 22

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   "Are you excited that Niall is coming home today?" Maura asked me as she brushed her hair. "Yes! Wait am I allowed to go to the airport?" I asked pulling my hair into a bun. "I won't stop you" Maura smiled. I tried to bend down to get my boots but my belly got in the way. "Oh sweetheart, let me help you" Maura rushed over, and helped me put on my shoes. I pulled on Niall's sweatshirt over my tank top. We got into Maura's car, I pushed my seat all the way so my belly wouldn't be scrunched against my knees. When we got to his airport gate I sat down in a chair then saw Niall walking through the gate. He saw his mum so he started towards us, then he saw me. As I stood up he ran towards me. "Alice!" He lifted me up, spinning me around. "Oh I missed you so much" I buried my face in his chest. "I missed you too Princess" Niall's face was buried in my hair. "Hello Mum. Thank you for looking after my family" Niall kissed his mum's cheek. "Of course Niall" She said. I pulled away from Niall's chest. "They've gotten so much bigger" Niall smiled, putting his hands on my swollen belly. "Thats happens a lot Niall" I laughed. "Niall I think we should get you two home before the fans start to notice" Maura suggested. "Right. Let's go" Niall put his arm around my waist and Maura led us to the car. I sat in the back with Niall where we held hands until he fell asleep on my shoulder. I woke him up when we got home. "Sorry Princess" He apologized. He got out then when he came around to help me out I surprised him by getting out on my own. "I can do things by myself you know" I teased him. I grabbed his hand while walking up the drive. "So how much longer "until I can hold my sons?" Niall asked. "A week or two" I said. I was exhausted and stressed. Niall smiled at me and opened the door. I felt a pain spread in my stomach, then to my back. I put one hand on the wall, the other on my belly. "Alice, are you alright?" Niall asked. I changed my pained expression to a smile. "Yeah. Just braxton hicks. Pre labor" I said. Niall pulled me as close to his body as he could. "You're amazing" He kissed my hair. "Well I'm going to shove off and let you two be alone" Maura said. "Thank you again for staying with her mum" Niall said. "Of course. I'll see you when these babies are here!" Maura smiled patting my shoulder.  

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