Chapter 14

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Niall came back out just wearing just his sweatpants and climbed into bed. I snuggled as close to him as I could. "Honey. I want you to know that I love you more than the world" He said. "I love you too" I said as he put his arm on my back. I fell asleep still laying on his chest. When I woke up I got dressed in black leggings, a white tank top that hugged my body, and a blue sweatshirt. I put my hair up into a messy bun and put on some foundation to cover my acne. I had the appointment to find out the baby's gender. Niall was sleeping and I was already running late so I just decided not to deal with getting him up. After I got to the hospital I was worried there would be reporters as someone probably tipped them off that I had an appointment today somehow. I grabbed my purse and went inside as quickly as I could. "Alice Horan" I said signing myself in. The receptionist nodded to me and I sat down. The nurse called me in shortly after and I sat laid down on the table. She put the cool blue jelly on my belly and started the exam. She looked at the screen puzzled. "I'll be back" She said and suddenly I wished I had brought Niall. When she came back in I asked "Is the baby ok?". "Yes. There's just two" She smiled to me. I took a minute to realize that it was twins. I smiled and nodded. "Two healthy little boys" she told me. "Could you print out a letter for my husband?" I asked. "Of course" She said. After she gave it to me I went back to my car and started the drive to Niall's recording studio. I stopped on the way to get french fries at McDonalds. When I got there I took the letter out if my purse and wrote

Niall Horan

On the envelope. I went inside and handed it to the receptionist to be sure he got it. I went home and changed into some sweatpants and decided to do some laundry. While I was folding I got a text from Niall


Twins! Twin boys!


Yea :) moving a lot while I fold laundry. Glamorous life of Niall Horan's wife lol


Don't work too hard. I'm getting off in an hour. Anything u want me to bring u?


Sour gummy worms and swedish fish please


Lol okay princess

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