Chapter 26

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 "Alice, can I check how dilated you are?" The doctor asked. I nodded getting back on the bed. "Only about 3. I suggest trying to get some rest. This is going to be a long wait" The doctor said. Eight hours later I was still weakly gripping Niall's hand. I had only progressed to seven. "Alice. Do you pain medication?" Niall asked. I shook my head like a child. "I don't want it to be harder to push" I said. "Okay. I'll be right back" Niall said rubbing my back. "Mum. I'm going to get a coffee. Want something?" He asked. "Just a coffee. Black please dear" Maura took his place. I held onto her hand weakly. "Alice! You're freezing!" She exclaimed. "I am?" I asked weakly. I felt another strong contraction. Maura got up, "Niall, hurry or don't leave. I think she's close" Maura said. I felt a rush of cold air at my side. "I'm here Princess" He said kissing my forehead. The doctor came in followed by Maura. "I'm going to check you Alice" He told me. "Looks like she's about 8. Are you C-Section or natural?" The doctor asked. "Natural" Niall informed him. "I'm going to do a last minute ultrasound, alright?" The doctor said. I nodded and pulled my blankets up, then my shirt. He squeezed the blue jelly on and pressed down on my tender tummy to find the babies. "They're both breech" The doctor said in astonishment. "What does that mean?" Niall asked on my behalf. "Well they are going to come out legs first. It would be a very hard natural birth" The doctor told me. "I can't have a c-section" I said gripping Niall's hand. "Ok. I will deliver the baby naturally" The doctor informed me. 

Niall's BabiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora